Chapter 2- Meeting Miss Xi

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Ashley's POV

I arrived at Love cafe at around 1.58pm after figuring my way out for about 15 mins. I saw a lady that looked like she was waiting for someone. I walked up to her hoping that it was Miss Xi." Hi mam, are you Miss Xi?" I politely asked her." Oh yes, i am waiting for someone. And she should be here anytime soon." She replied me. "Oh, its me. My name is Ashley. I was supposed to meet you over here at 2."I replied happily since i had found the right person. I took my seat opposite Miss Xi and ask her what the job was like.

Miss Xi's POV

"The job is actually something like babysitting but it is a little different. You will just have to come for work at 7 in the morning and go back at around 9 in the evening. You will also have to try to change my son bad habits as he is really disobedient now and i hope you can change him. Are you willing to accept this job?" I told her the job in detail."Yes i am willing to accept the job. If work starts tomorrow, where do i meet you?" I asked her politely."Meet me back here tomorrow at 6.50am sharp. Do not be late." She told me.

Ashley's POV

After having this conversation with her, i could tell that she is very serious about punctuality. I headed back home and it was already around dinner time. I changed into my track pants and a sleeveless shirt as my pyjamas. When i was done, i went to the kitchen, boiled some water and poured it into my cup noodles and that was my dinner.
After eating, i headed back to my room, put my alarm for tomorrow at 5.50 to get ready and drifted off to my lala land.

Sorry if my story is long winded or too descriptive but please vote and share. And probably comment so that i know how to how to improve myself. I will try to update as soon as possible. Thank you for reading my fanfiction. I will try to make it longer next time.

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