Chapter 1: Gorilla Alert! Where the Hell is the Jungle?

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Chapter 1: Gorilla Alert! Where the Hell is the Jungle?

-Edited- (Hopefully)

Chapter 1: Gorilla Alert! Where the Hell is the Jungle?

I hate to admit the truth but it was time to confess it. I'm nothing but a pussy. That's what you can describe me from this point on. I covered my ears with my pillow, trying to muffle out the sounds coming from downstairs. But it traveled through my pillow, through the thick walls of my room, and seemed to echo in my mind.

It was happening, again. There was no end to the continuous events and the result of every relationship she tried to have. This was her third boyfriend and he was the worst of all the other drunks. I guess she had said something he didn't like and now he was beating her for it. But it always happened when he got drunk and wanted something from her. Here I was sitting in my room not doing anything when my own mother was getting beat right in the next room.

What type of daughter am I? Why couldn't I be tougher, stronger? Wasn't that a wish I could make come true if I tried? But it was too late for those thoughts and I knew it. No matter what I told my mother she just denied it and said, "He didn't mean to."

So someone accidentally punches you or slaps you, maybe even kicks you. Does that make sense? No it doesn't and I told her that. But the only response I got was, "You just don't understand. You're too young." I was seventeen years old, I knew what I was talking about, and it was her who was lying to herself.

I gave up on her after the second boyfriend and I had learned not to try to stop them. It only resulted in them jumping on me instead of her and I'm afraid I couldn't take it anymore. I threw the pillow at the wooden door with a thud. I climbed out a bed and grabbed my iPhone and headphones. I turned my music up as loud as it could go and walked out the door.

It was about time for me to go to school. I get ready at night so that I don't have to pass her door when I could see through it. Every morning now, she was getting beat by him, Clark. It never stopped, maybe for a few hours before it started up again. She screamed at certain points, a high pitch sound that caused me to flinch and feel the guilt settle in my stomach. Afterwards, I could hear her sobbing in her room that was next to mine. It kept me up all night, the beating, the crying, and all the noises to the point where I didn't sleep until after school.

I grabbed my bag and was almost to the door without bumping into one of them. My music was blasting in my ear when I felt a strong, firm, cold hand grip my shoulder tightly. Suddenly I was spun around without my knowing and came face to face with a drunk Clark. He wasn't like most drunk people who stumbled and could hardly speak, he was more of the foggy eyed and prone to violence type. He was saying something but the music in my ear blocked the words.

Hurriedly, I pulled my headphones out, wrapping them into a ball and pushing them in my pocket, the music still playing loudly. I didn't want him yanking them out from my ears, which would hurt the headphones and me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, his grey eyes staring at me but not actually seeing me the way he should.

I furrowed my brow. "The place you never went to, school."

I felt his hand grabbing my collar and I was lifted off the ground, my feet dangling over the floor by mere centimeters. Pain shot up in my chin as my head was forced up and his hand dug into the bone of my chest. I grabbed on to his outstretched arm and dug my nails into it. He grunted and instantly dropped me. I landed on my feet, grabbing my bag, and turning on my heel. I jetted out the door and down the sidewalk.

I could hear his voice behind me, yelling words at my back, but the wind blew them away. I didn't stop running until I made it to the school entrance. I walked inside and went to my locker quickly. I was surprised to see someone leaning on my locker as I approached it. Who was it? I didn't have any friends in my four years at high school and I didn't want to start making some now. It was too late to be doing that. Plus I was focused on my academics more than anything because if I get a scholarship I could go to college at a state away from here. To get away from everything would be awesome.

I threw my hood over my head and walked up to the person who was leaning against my locker. Unexpectedly it was Victoria from English class. She was a nerd that was bullied on whenever I was going into the bathroom. Of course I never stepped in to save her because I'll only get my ass kicked at the end of the day.

I stared at her and she stared back. What did she want? She was always quiet but had a friend that she'll sit with at lunch but that was it. Usually she kept to herself. So why was she leaning against my locker?

I cleared my throat after a long moment of silence and said, "Is there something you need help with?"

She shook her head and I nodded. "Then can you move? You're blocking my locker."

She moved back onto the locker next to mine and I ignored her. I dialed in my combination and opened it, throwing in the unnecessary books and my bag. I closed it and was surprised to see that she was still there. What did she want? I decided to just walk away, but as soon as I took a step to walk in the opposite direction, her hand flew out. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my cheeks and I found myself staring at the other side of the wall.

My hand went up to my cheek as I turned to look at the bitch. I heard people around me yelling, "Oh!" "Holy shit" and "Nerd fight" My cheeks burned with embarrassment and I ducked my head, turning to walk away. I felt her grip my shoulder and all of a sudden I was looking at the ceiling. I had been flipped over, an aching pain in my head and back. I stood slowly, stumbling on my feet. What the fuck, man?

I bit on my bottom lip. It wasn't cool just to swing off someone when their guards off. Out the corner of my eye I saw the crowd that had formed and the cell phones that were videotaping what was happening. Petty people. Then I noticed something different about Victoria. She wasn't the scrawny girl that was always quivering from two weeks ago. She had suddenly transformed into a more built, hard, cold, and stoned Victoria. Where the hell was I when this shit happened? Probably in a book or blocking out my surroundings as best as possible.

Now I was the one who was scrawny compared to her. I opened my mouth and said, "What the fuck is your problem? You can't just come up and start swinging, King Kong. Where the hell is the jungle?"

I heard someone gasp and I bit on my lip. I had to say that, I just had to, didn't I? Was that necessary? No, it really wasn't, I replied in my mind.

"King Kong? Really? That's all you can come up with you bony little bitch?" She replied, stalking up on me. With each step she took forward, I took an equal one back.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and anger that I kept inside me boiled to the surface and came out of me. "And that's the only thing you got as a comeback, Gorilla? Interesting, with that new look of yours I thought you'd have an ugly attitude to match your ugly face, bitch."

Her face turned bright red as she charged up on my like a football player. I ran straight towards the crowd, trying to get away from the crazy bitch. What did I do? I was all talk and no action; I know that's what people were going to think of me. But do I give a fuck? Not really. Now, as the crowd backed apart letting me through, I darted straight into a place I knew even the new Victoria wouldn't go into, the boy's bathroom.

I prayed that no one was inside as I pushed my hood on, making sure it covered half of my face. I was glad I wore baggy clothes and had a flat chest; I almost looked like a boy if it wasn't for my long messy brown hair. The air smelled like fresh urine, cigarettes, and spoiled milk all at the same time. As I walked in deeper I noticed that I was indeed in fact alone. That is, that's what I thought. I heard the door opening and I ran into the stall, closing and locking it quickly. I held my breath and waited.

I heard feet moving in slowly and then something that sounded like water, pee, and then the sink being turned on. Afterwards the door closed and I leaned against the wall letting out a sigh of relief. I waited in the stall until the bell rung; it was time for people to go to their classes. Then I timed myself and waited for an extra hour before leaving the bathroom. I sighed in relief at the sight of the empty hallways. Hurriedly, I made my way to my classroom, slipping inside without being noticed by the teacher.

The rest of the day went by quickly and already I knew something was wrong. I was right but what I didn't know was what was waiting for me back at home.


I reread this chapter and it kind of sucked, sorry that its so poor. I tried to be as interesting as possible, I promise I will try harder for the next chapter!

But please comment your opinion, it'll help a lot. Thanks for taking the time to read this cliché story, I hope I can keep you entertained.


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