Thanks a Lot

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"Hey, Tessy! Get your ass up!" One of the boys in my foster home punched my back to wake me up. I grunted in pain and rolled over. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" He kicked me and I fell out of the bed. "What the hell, Jackson?!" I yelled, glaring daggers at him. "Well, at least you're up. Dumbass," He muttered, walking out. I mumbled some more cuss words before standing up and getting dressed. I threw on an old Rage Against The Machine shirt and a pair of leggings. I left my strawberry-blonde hair loose and sighed. "Ah!" I groaned, leaning against the wall. There was a throbbing pain in my arm and I pulled up my sleeve to see a swollen lump on my upper arm. "Oh, no," I said, pulling my sleeve down and hoping against hope it wasn't what I though it was. "Okay, just get to school. Probably not as bad as you think. Just a figment of my imagination," I whispered. I grabbed my backpack and slammed the door.

I sat in the dirty, rank classroom in my middle school. I mindlessly doodled as my English teacher droned in the background. I was very worried about the dull, throbbing pain in my arm that was getting ten times worse every minute. "Ms. Davis, can I please go see the nurse?" I asked, weakly raising my hand. "Are you dying?" She asked sarcastically. I heard almost everyone in the class snicker. "I might be, ma'am," I replied with equal amounts of sarcasm. "It can wait, Ms. Collins," Ms. Davis said, rolling her eyes and turning back to the board. I went back to my drawing, but my hot pink dragon looked like a hot pink blob of goop. My vision started blurring and the pain in my arm went from dull to sharp to a white-hot searing pain. I grunted in pain and grabbed my arm. "What NOW, Ms. Collins?" Ms. Davis sighed, turning around again. Only this time I was halfway on the floor. "Hey, are you okay?" A boy asked, flying out of his seat to try and catch me. "Call...... the........ hospi......" Those were the last words I got out before my eyes rolled back in my head and I collapsed on the floor.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I started watching House from the beginning last week, and I'm completely addicted to it. So that's why I decided to write this. Please vote/comment; they make my day. Thank you! :D

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