Losing a Whole Year

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"How are you doing, Tessa?" I heard through the speaker in the machine I was in. "I'm okay!" I said. Dr. Cameron was running my tests and I was thrilled about that. She was just so nice, which I kinda needed at that particular moment in time. Especially since I was almost positive what was wrong with me. I went through about eight or nine different tests before I was put back in my room. I flipped through the channels on the TV for about two hours before I finally turned it off. "Damn, I'm bored," I groaned, slamming my head back against the pillows. I ended up counting the dots on the ceiling for a few hours. I didn't notice Dr. House had come in until he started talking. "186,400." I looked at him, startled. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. "You're counting the holes, right?" I nodded, wincing as the pain in my arm kicked back up again. "There are 186,400 dots," He said. I stared at him. "I'm not even gonna ask how you know that. So, what'd the tests say?" I asked, holding my breath. The look on his face told me the situation wasn't looking too good. "Well, we have an idea, but we need to run more tests to make sure," He said hesitantly. Something was telling me he didn't like telling his patients what was gonna on with them. "Wait, let me guess. You think it's osteosarcoma, right?" I asked. He sighed in defeat. "Yes, that's what we're thinking." I scoffed and shook my head. "Damn. Okay. So, now you have to run a biopsy," I sighed. "Yeah, that's what we're doing next," Dr. House said. "Well, if you have to, I would prefer a needle biopsy. Please." Dr. House looked at me and he honestly looked sad. "Well, before we run this test, we need your parents to sign off on it. Where are they?" He asked. I chuckled. "You're not gonna like my answer," I replied in a monotone voice. "What?" He asked. "My mom's dead and my dad's in jail." 

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