Part 3

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"Well darling I don't think that now is the right time to talk about this"
"Please dad, just tell me I'm 15 I should be able to know"

He paused for awhile before saying; "fine but I don't want you to feel any different about me when I do say why I know her"
I stood there and looked at him, " ok I won't, I promise" I said with a little smile.
"Your mum has been gone for quite awhile now"
My smile dropped instantly for what i dread was about to be said.
"I met this girl, called Mandy as you know. We first met two years ago in a pub bar. We became friends almost instantly. A few weeks ago we started dating.. I know it may seem too soon for you but for me it isn't, I'm lonely Emma."
"But dad, you have me here"
"I know but I need something a little bit extra to grab onto, I miss your mother loads but even she would want me to move on."
"Oh ok"
I stopped cutting a green pepper that I was currently decapatating and I left the room and went up to my bedroom, I felt heartbroken by what my dad had said, how could he do this to me, to us?!
"Emma come back here, I'm not done talking"
"I am" I said before opening the door to  my room and entering.

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