Letter from Hogwarts.

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"Wake up wake up WAKEEEE UPPPPP!" Dominic shouted while jumping on my bed.

"Vic, please wake up. You'll miss your letter." a very calm Mason shook me slightly.

All I could do was groan inwardly and turnover to the other side of my very cozy bed.

Nestled between five hundred ginormous pillows was Victorie Weasley, age 11, being harassed by her 8 year old brother while his twin stood beside the bed, shaking his head in disgust.

"Gerrouutta my vroom.." is all I could manage to mumble before falling back to sleep, but only for a minute till my lunatic of a father burst through the door pulling me out of bed and shaking me like a child with his piggy bank.

"It's here, Vic! Oh how I miss it." he said while rubbing the envelope against his cheek like a maniac. "The smell and feel of the parchment not to mention that feeling you get when you know you'll be attending the best school for magic there is, oh Vic!" he says while looking at me, (more like staring at me till his eyes pop out and ew, he's tearing up) (but aw too) and crushes me in a god awful hug.

"Dad stop! You're crushing my windpipe," I choke while struggling to get out of his grip, "and you look terrible when you cry so please stop. And why is it always raining in this bloody place?!! Also I couldn't care less about the INEVITABLE letter from Hogwarts so please please pretty please with pumpkin pasties raining down upon you and let me sleep." I finish with a scowl on my face.

"Oh no. No more sleeping. It's Saturday, Vic! Lighten up." he says trying to sound cheerful.

"That's the point, FATHER. It is a Saturday, a holiday. A HOLIDAY!" I yell.

"Fur ze love of unicornz what iz going on in here?!" my mother exclaims on finding a family gathering happening inside my room. As you know my mum is French so whatever she says sounds twice as funny as it really isn't. But my dad loves her and she pooped me out with all her might and says she 'loves me'. I say bullshit because all they do is try to ruin my already shitty life. Last week, they took away my phone because they thought the muggles were 'taking over' me. Phones are the best damn thing that's ever happened to those idiotic muggles or else we'd still be stuck with owls! Don't get me wrong, I love Owls but they're nasty and mean when hungry or caged.

"Father here is freaking out about my letter from Hoggy-wartis and these two morons will not leave my room and now you grace us with your presence too, princess Flour, ughhh." I growl while pushing Dominic off. He landed on one of my five hundred pillows and started jumping again.

"Jents, out now. Zat means you tu." P.F says while looking at pa. I snort unattractively and she looks at me like I escaped from a loony bin.

Ze jents leave like they're in mourning and then I hear a loud crash and I know one of ze iziots have tried to slide down the staircase railing and landed on their face.

Fits of laughter threaten to explode from within my pie-hole but I maintain my composure till P.F leaves.

"10 minutes, Victorie and we leave fur Diagon Alley." She says while eyeing me warily like I'm telling her to go through all the trouble. Pfft.

"Whatever, Flour." I say while rolling my eyes at her.

"10 minutes." She says and leaves.


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