Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I don't even understand what I did to them. Why did they pick on me? Why did they insist on making my life horrible?

Today had been the worst incident yet, at least emotionally. I was in the library, minding my own business,reading some book for my history report when it happened. The most popular girl in the school, Brittany,had come up to me and said a few choice words that I would never forget.

"Why don't you just go die you anorexic bitch? It's obvious nobody wants you here, even your family hates you! I am surprised you haven't killed yourself yet, you should've. You would have been doing the world some good for once!"

They were still fresh in my mind, like a stab from a knife. I still don't even know what I did. How did I offend her so much that she wanted me to kill myself?

The more I thought about it the more I realized that she was right, the world would be a better place without me. Mom wouldn't have to worry, Dilan wouldn't have to care. It would be easy too, all I would have to do was take the Tylenol and-

"Kendall!! We're home!" I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard my sister yell. I was slightly startled about how I was just thinking. Suicidal thoughts? That's not okay... but I guess they'll go away eventually.

"I'll be down in a minute." I called back to my sister. I quickly looked in the mirror, and after confirming that I didn't look down at all, I headed downstairs.

"Kenny!! Wanna help me come make dinner?" Dilan called from the kitchen.

"Okay DeDe! What are we having?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen. I tried to sound enthusiastic but I'm pretty sure she heard the falseness in my tone. She looked at me questioningly but replied anyways.

"Since it's my first night back I thought we'd have something special! So we're making Gumbo Casserole!" She exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah... okay... I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" I mumbled quickly. I rushed to the bathroom locking it behind me. I felt sick to my stomach, just the mention of that greasy food made me want to through up. So that's exactly what I did.

Without thinking I immediately shoved my finger down my throat. I didn't think that my sister very well may be right outside this door. I didn't think about that fact that she could pick the lock in seconds. I just didn't think. That was probably a mistake.

"Kendall Marie!! What the fuck are you doing?" I heard my sister shout from the door way.



 "Kendall this is the last time I am going to ask you, what were you doing?" My mother asked yet again.

I wouldn't answer. No. She wouldn't understand. She would think I was being ridiculous. She doesn't know how it feels to be fat, she's been skinny her whole life.

"Kendall I have no other choice now, you have to be put in rehab." She told me.

"What!? Why?! Rehab is for people with drug problems and self harm problems! I don't have either of those!" I snapped back at her. She can't do this to me!

"Rehab is also for people with eating disorders! I didn't quite believe it until now, but you have an eating disorder Kendall! You are anorexic!" She replied back to me.

 "Don't call me that, mom. I thought you were different, that you might understand! I'm not anorexic! I'm only on a diet! I'm fine!" Why couldn't she understand? I was fine!

"Kendall," Her tone was softer this time, "In almost every anorexia case, the person is in denial. They are exactly like you and believe that they are just on a 'diet' when in truth they aren't eating at all. That is not a diet. Kendall you have to listen to me." My mother pleaded.

"Mom, but I'm not like them! This is just a diet! I diet and exercise, that's it." I softened my tone as well.

"Then what was that in the bathroom Kendall? You also binge and purge! And eating a child's sized portions does count as a diet, that's starving yourself!" Her tone was back to angry, and annoyed.

"Mom!! You don't understand! I'm not anorexic!" I had run out of an argument. This wasn't good.

"Kendall you are going to rehab, that is final. Pack your bags, I will see if I can enter you tonight." She claimed.

"Mom! You can't do this to me! What about school? What about all my friends!" Now I was trying to lie my way out of this. I was desperate.

"I said, that is final! I don't want to hear anymore on this topic! Now go pack your bags!" My mom snapped at me.

"Fine." I mumbled. I plodded up the stairs to my bedroom.

I grabbed my suitcase first. I wasn't sure what to bring for clothes. I decided on a little bit of everything I had. I grabbed three pairs of jeans, two pairs of shoes, four pairs of shorts, ten of my regular t-shirts, and two of my sweat shirts. I went to the bath room and packed my basic toiletries that I might need. Setting my suitcase down on my bed, I looked for my backpack.

In my backpack I put more important things. First I grabbed my ipod and my headphones. Then I grabbed my laptop and charger. I picked my drawing pad and pencils up of from my desk and set them in my backpack as well. I looked around for anything I might of forgotten.

On my wardrobe I saw the last picture taken with me and my dad before he died. My mom had no idea I had it. If she had known she would of indefinitely taken it away from me. I picked it up. Me and my dad were in a lake splashing the water around. The picture had been taken just as I had splashed him with water in the face. We were both laughing our heads off, happy, something I hadn't been in a while.

Carefully, put the picture in my backpack and set my backpack with my suitcase on the edge of my bed. Then I switched into pajamas and crawled under the covers, entering a dreamless sleep.

A/N Okay!! I finished the first chapter!! tell me what you think of it, good? bad? mediocre? I might dedicate the next chapter to someone who leaves the best comment. *SPOLIER ALERT* in the next chapter you may meet some of the boys ;)


otay bye

~Marbles! <3

Breaking Walls *Zayn Malik Fanfiction*(On Hold ~ Editing)Where stories live. Discover now