Chapter 2

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I stood in front of the big, red brick building. Outside was a wrought iron fence that stretched from the neighboring apartments, past the Center itself, to the other edge where there was a small park. Small tendrils of ivy crawled up each of the bars. In the center of the fence were two field stone, small pillars with a gate in between. A cobblestone pathway paved from the gate of the fence to the entrance of the Rehabilitation Center. On either side of the pathway were a line of leafless oak trees. In the spaces between the Oak trees were simple park benches. Snow fell lightly -- not enough to actually accumulate -- but enough to give the whole scene a winterish feel to it.

I took a deep breathe of the cool, winter air, it calmed me. I couldn't believe that after my mother had made me come to the Center, she didn't even come with me to check in. She thought it was best for me to go alone. I think that she just didn't want to deal with me, doesn't really surprise me that much though...

A small cry interrupted me from my thoughts. Then suddenly something bumped into my legs. I managed not to topple over and I peered down to what had hit me.

It wasn't a what, it was a who. More specifically,  a small little girl who was probably 2 or 3. She had curly brown hair that went to her shoulders a shining green eyes that we starting to swim with tears. Her nose and cheeks were rosy from the frosty winter air. For a child, her face was slim. The little girl's lips were plump and red. The bottom one was starting to tremble a bit. She suddenly burst out crying 'Dadda!"

"Shhh... it's okay. No need to cry. Now, do you know where your daddy is?" I'd had experience with little kids before, from babysitting, so I new how to comfort this little one.

"N-no." she hiccupped out. She was still cry profusely. Not exactly knowing what to do, I simply helped her get up.

"What's your name, little one?" I asked her. I felt like I would more easily get through to her if I just even knew her name.

"Claire Louise Styles." She stated proudly even through her tears. 

"That's a nice name, Claire. My name's Kendall. I'll help you find your daddy if you want?" I asked her.

"O-okay." Her tears had seemed to slow down at least a little bit. I softly took her hand and started to look around for anyone that looked like they might be missing a child. I didn't see anyone.

"Where did you last see you daddy?" I asked her politely. If I knew where he might be searching I might be able to find him.

"In the p-park," She answered. "We were pwaying hide and seek but no hwe's gone!" Her speech got worse as the tears started to come down her rosy cheeks again.

"Shhh... don't cry. I promise we'll find him." I assured her.

"Pwomise?" She asked me cutely.

"Promise." I told her once more. I started to walk to where I had seen the park. Not many people we there, considering it was winter. If her dad was still here it shouldn't be hard to find him.

 I was right, it didn't take long to recognize the panicked father. When I spotted him he was running around, searching behind any tree or rock that his little girl may be hiding under. He kept yelling "Claire! Claire where are you?!" frantically. The little girl holding my hand ran up to him as soon as she spotted him. When he spotted her running towards him he immediately jumped up from where he had been looking under a picnic table and ran over to greet her halfway. When she was finally in his arms, she burst out in tears again.

"It's okay, doll. Daddy's here. Daddy won't let you get lost again." I  heard him comfort her. He picked her up and she buried her head in his shoulder. He kept whispering comforting things in her ear and was starting to walk away when she suddenly shot up and pointed her finger towards me.

"Dwaddy! That's the pretty lady that helped me!" She exclaimed, might I add also making him cringe since she was yelling in his ear.

He turned to see me and smiled brightly. Still carrying his daughter, he walked over to me. Now I could see what he looked like. He had those bright, shiny, green eyes like his daughter. He also had the child's curly brown hair. That was pretty much where the similarities stopped though. He didn't have her facial structure. His face was by no means bulky, but it was bulkier than hers. His cheek bones were prominent and he had a strong jawline. His eyes could have been mistaken for intense, even possibly cruel, but I knew that it was just from the recent stress of possibly losing his daughter.

"Did you help my daughter?" He asked me apprehensively.

"Yes I did, sir." I responded. He looked at least 25 so I didn't want to offend him. After all he was almost 10 years older than me.

"Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't found her. I was about to call the police! And there is no need to call me sir, makes me feel old. Call me Harry." He responded cheerfully. Suddenly all intensity was shattered from his eyes and was replaced by a cheery glow.

"It was the least I could do. I couldn't just leave her there crying on the sidewalk!" I replied. By this time Claire's tears we completely gone.

"Dwaddy?" She asked him.

"Yes, love?" He immediately responded.

"Can we go get some ice cweam?" She asked adorably. He melted under her gaze. She had him wrapped around her pinky.

"Sure doll. But we gotta be real quick. You know Momma's gonna meet us here when she gets out of work." She cheered and nodded. Turning back to me he said, "Well it was nice to meet you..." He trailed off waiting for my name.

"Kendall." I supplied for him.

"Nice to meet you Kendall. Thank you again. I don't even know what I would've done if she hadn't showed up. But I guess I have to go now! Bye! Maybe I will meet you again sometime!" He called already walking away.

"Bye!" I shouted after him. I turned the opposite way he was going and started back towards the Center. I wished it had taken longer to get back, but within 5 minutes I was back to the gate. There's no more stalling now.

I slowly opened the gate to the Center. Closing it straight behind me I plodded along the cobblestone walkway. Too soon I was at the entrance of the brick building. Just as I was about to open the door, it opened into me, knocking me backwards.

"I'm SO sorry! I didn't see you there!" A young woman apologized. She helped me up and I dusted my self off. "Again, I am really sorry but I do have to go meet my husband and daughter. Bye!" She left without me even looking at her. All I could see was brown hair walking off.

Again I opened the door, this time without getting knocked onto my bum, and took in the Rehab Center.

There was nothing very abnormal about the room. Cream walls, tan couches, glass coffee tables. There was a front desk parallel to the entrance. Behind a mid aged lady sat working on a laptop. There were a few nurses walking around in the lobby but nothing to much. It was calm. Nothing major was going on.

To me it looked like hell.


 A/N OKay wattpad is not letting me put this Authors note up!! YYY okay but I am almost up to 300 reads AND THAT IS AMAZAYN, PHENOMINIALL, FABULOUIS, EXTRODINHARRY, AND BRILLIAM!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU EVEN IF YOU ARE JUST A SILENT READER!!! tHE PIC ON THE SIDE IS SORTA WHAT I IMAGINE THE CENTER TO LOOK LIKE.  Btw this chapter was supposed to be longer but I kinda had to update today so It came out short. I am honestly goin to try to make the next one longer though, like at least 3 pages. hopefully 4. but yeah... sorry for the sorta longish wait!

otay bai!

~ Marbles :3

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