It all Happened

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It all started a week ago. Marco was making his famous nachos. Star upstairs taking a shower. Marco had finished and was washing up when he heard Star walking down the stairs. "Hey Star, nachos are ready." He turned around and saw a sight he never thought he'd see. Star was standing in the door frame wearing nothing but a few towels. Marco couldn't speak, his words got caught in his mouth. He looked her up and down. "Star?"


"Where, are your clothes?"

"They're in my room."

"Then why aren't you wearing them?"

"Because I need your help."

"And what is it you need help with?"

"My cupboard is stuck."

Marco walked past her, brushing her with his hand slightly as he did. She giggled but still didn't move. I was almost as if she wanted that to happen. Marco walked up the stairs and looked at the cupboard. He took out the spatula he was using earlier and pried open the doors.

"See done."


They sort of stared at each other until Marco's dad, Mr. Diaz yelled up from downstairs. "Kids, I scored us prime tickets for tonights game. Come down quick or I'm gonna eat all these nachos."

"You better get dressed."


Marco walked down the stairs. "Star's just getting changed. She'll be down in a minute."

"Marco, you know that I'm always the care free parent."


"And that you can tell me anything."


"So I'm gonna be serious for a bit and ask you a serious question. Do you like Star, in a more than friends kind of way."

"Dad, I want to answer no, but lately I'm really not sure. I mean, she makes me laugh, I love her smile, she's always there and she always makes me happy."

"Sounds to me like your in love."

"Well, I don't want to upset our friendship by weirding her out. Just because we live together doesn't mean she has to acknowledge my existence."

"Well, its your decision either way."

Suddenly, Star came down the Stairs. "What are you talking about."

"How I'm only into Spanish girls!" Blurted Mr. Diaz.

~~~any of my modern family homies will get that reference~~~

Mr. Diaz winked at his son.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's get to this game of whatever it is."

"Star, its football."

"Oh, that game that I nearly destroyed the school over."

"Yes, that one."

All three of them huddled into the car. As they started driving, Mr. Diaz put on the radio. "And this is a shout out to all those couples heading to the echo creek football match hoping to be caught out by the kiss cam." Then a romantic piano song started playing. The kind of song that would be sung by a pianist and someone sitting on top of the piano, and would usually end with a kiss. Star and Marco turned to face each other. They stared, getting lost in each others eyes. They leaned in slowly. They could feel each others breath in their mouths. They closed their eyes, eyelashes almost touching as they did.

"Kids, we're here."

Star jerked her head back and opened her eyes. Marco did the same, only his head hit the car wall. Star giggled, which caused Marco to blush. Marco got out and opened the other door for Star.

"Such a gentleman."

The trio made there way to their seats. The game was ok, the Echo Creek Crocs were being dominated by the G F trolls. When half time came, the band came out and played Wrapped Up by Olly Murs. The atmosphere was that of a gentle one, yet excitement was buzzing around. The screen on the other side of the stadium flickered into light as couples all over the arena got caught in the kiss cam's mighty glare, of which no one could escape without claiming a kiss. The camera was skimming from one couple to another. It was getting closer to where Marco was sitting. The camra skimmed over them and didn't give them a second thought. He sighed. And as if the camera heard him, it zoomed back and caught Marco and Star in its gaze. A large heart appeared around their picture as Marco was signaling for them to move the camera. "Look folks, it looks like we've caught some young love."

Marco was still waving his hands and telling them to stop. Star looked up, saw the heart and grabbed Marco's hands, holding them on her lap. "Marco, I want to do it."


"Marco, don't play dumb. I know you like me and I like, no, love you too. I can't pass up an opportunity like this. I love you Marco Diaz."

"I love you to Star Butterfly."

They both leaned in and continued what had been disturbed earlier. This kiss felt like it would last forever, but eventually they both had to come up for air. They looked into each others eyes. Star launched herself forward and hugged Marco hard. Marco was surprised, but them came round and hugged back.

"Awww, looks like we founded a new happy couple," the announcer said.

Star and Marco looked at each other and new, this would be a great life.



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