CHAPTER 3 :: love torn in the crisp winter air

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Did he just kiss me Victoria Halls. I pause trying to think straight as then were touching noses. I would have never thought that Jake would ever go for me. Just then my door slams open and there stands the keeper of my life! My Father!  No he is normal today not drunk not crazy not dreaming! Normal. '' WHAT IS HE DOING IN MY HOUSE WHO IS THIS BOY?" He demands! We instantly break away so were not face close. I hear a loud shattering sound! to look on my floor and see the only light I had shattered all over . Now my room got dark not only my room but my entire world. Only the moonlight comes through my window. But to see that it is gone.

Jake instantly runs and jumps out my window and runs off! Now here comes the pain! As I see him coming toward me I go for the window but he snatches my leg and beats me! '' NOW I KNOW WHY I NEVER LIKED YOU!!!" I shouted. But to beat me harder. He clears my dresser with my make-up and throws it all away and brakes it all. Now I cant hide my face to show my bruises to everyone. I just fall and cry in the darkness. And to see he's not here but there is nothing left of my room it looks like a tornado just came through. I grab everything that I would need. I take my money 500 dollars taped under my bed. I got all this money from tips, my parents take my paycheck. I take my coat ,and everything I could probably sty warm with. A lighter, my fathers cellphone. Im going to use this for everything. Jake's number, and a bag to put all my stuff into it I just take a deep breath and look around the room one last time. I make a head to the window as I jump out I see a shadow is that you Jake ?? ''IS ANYONE HERE '' '' I am '' says Jake. Jake!! ''I'm so sorry what happened'' I say

''Don't be!'' Its the future that was the pass. We lean in again and he kisses me the warmth and the coldness combined and make the world spin around and around and I'm gone down on the floor . '' She passed out'' Jake whispers

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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