My Parents... #4

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I stepped back and closed my eyes, taking one more deep breath. Everything i imagined was about to come true. No one answered. I knocked once more.

"WHO IS IT!?" I heard a strong voice shout. Is that my dad? I had no idea of what to say, my mind had came blank.....


I heard a loud knock on my door. WHO COULD IT BE? I specifically asked no one to interrupt me, im to busy with Sif, and trying to find Laylee. I heard one more knock, "Thor, darling. Who is it? We told everyone in the palace not to disturb us, and yet they are. Do you want me to get my machete?" Sif asked me cautiously. I slowly nodded. 2 minuted later, Sif came back with 2 machete's. "You ready?" I asked. Sif smiled and nodded. As soon as we opened the door, we couldn't believe our eyes.


The door slowly creaked open. There they stood, my mum and dad. I stared down to the floor as tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't know what to do. Should i hug? Should i speak? Loads of questions filled my brain, i felt like my brain was about to explode. "Thor....S..-Sif. It''s me, Laylee." My hand kept shaking.

"Laylee! After all these years, here you are". I heard mum say to me. I looked over at dad who had tears in his eyes. He wiped his tears and gave me a big grin.

"Your finally here. I have waited so long. I understand you were so upset but let me explain, come in" I slowly walked inside only to find out the true story of why i was abandoned.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I hope you all enjoyed chapter 4. Im so tired so chapter 4 is going to come out tomorrow.

Anyway i hope you rate.

Bye xx <3 Laylee

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