Trying To Outrun You #11

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I stood in shock. The guards had big sword and massive mussels- you can tell they were quite fit.  I had no choice but  run into Odin's room. As I barged in, the guards paused at the great oak door. The further i went they didn't dare to take a step in. I wiped out my IPhone 6S and asked Siri to call Dad. I started to called dad and heard mum answer...
"Laylee, what's wrong? Are you ok?" She worriedly asked.
"Mum! Loki is trying to kill me! He sent guards and they are outside Odins room where I am". I blurted out. I could hear her sobbing sadly.
"Laylee, climb out the window and come into my room. Thor will handle his brother". I smiled with joy only to turn around and see.....

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