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After an hour of sleeping a noise on the over speaker came on and told us that snack would be on their way shortly.

"Morning sleepyhead."I looked over to see a cheery harry smiling at me.His laptop in his hands and water on his tray.

"What time is it?"I yawned and looked out the window.

"It's 10."He laughs and shuts his laptop.

A flight assistant walked by and harry stopped her before she passed us.

"Sorry love,would you mind getting me and this lovely girl some red whine?"Harry looked at me and smiled at the lady.

She nodded and walked to the back of the plane.

"Whine?"I questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"It's only 10."He smirked and opened our trays.

I chuckled and opened my phone.

4 New messages:
2 missed calls:

The first message was from my mom.

From Mom: Hey sweets,just wanted to know how your flight was going.Call me when you get the chance.Love you:)

From Trina:Hi It's Trina,just wanted to double check the flight.Its Tomorrow at 5:30 so be prepared.Once you land call me and I'll give you directions.Have fun:)

From Tommy:Hey sis:/Just wanted to say I miss you and I'd try and be back home by thanksgiving.I love you,have fun in New York!

I missed my brother too.He was stationed in South Korea for 2 years,and he'd finally be visiting us back home next month.

The last message was from an old high school friend.

From Irene:Hey!Just heard the news about your job in New York!Congrats!I remember you talking about modelling in high school and I guess it's happening.Good luck and I hope we can get together some time when your back.Love you,Irene.

The Two missed calls were from my mom and my aunt.Probably busting my ass for not attending her sons birthday.Oh well.

I stood up and tucked my phone in my jean pocket.

"Can I get out please?"I smiled to harry and pointed to the bathroom.

He unplugged his headphones and nodded."Yeah of course."

I walked out of the row and into the bathroom.

Seeing that most passengers were passed out,I decided to call my mom in the bathroom.

It rang for a little until her voice filled the speakers.

"Hey honey!"She spoke.

"Hey mom.I saw that you called."

"Yeah.Just wanted to say that no matter what happens,you'll always be my baby.I don't care if you get the job and live 10 hours away.Ill find a way to visit you anytime.I love you.And I hope you get this job!You've talked about it forever,and now your dreams coming true."She sniffled.

"Awe mom.Its okay.Your gonna make me cry."I laughed and smiled.

"Okay well I should go.Get some sleep okay?"

"I will. love you"

"Love you too.Call tomorrow.Night."She hung up.

I looked in the morrow and fixed myself.My hair was frizzy from laying down against the plane wall,so I put it into a bun.

I made my way make to the row and made contact with harry.

I hunched over and walked over him.Well tried.Thats when my foot got caught on the seat and I fell on him.

Our faces immediately turning red.

"Oh um...need help?"He chuckled and helped me off him.

"Oh uh no,sorry."I smiled embarrassed of what just took place.

"The whine came."He handed me a glass after I took my seat.

"Why are you going to New York anyways?"He asked while biting his lip.Damn.

"I'm going for a modelling position for a magazine."I smiled and sighed.

"Ooh modelling,I see."He smiled.


"Just to get away I guess.My moms in the U.K. with the rest of my family.So I don't have anyone here in Arizona to visit.So I booked a ticket to the Big Apple and left for a bit."He chuckled and made contact with my green eyes.

"Cool.I mean never mind."I laughed and blushed.

"Here's to models and vacations."He held his glass up to clink mine.

"To models and vacations."I clinked my glass with his and sipped it.

"So,tell me about yourself.Since we have nothing else to do."He tucked his hair behind his ear and
Smiled,showing his two dimples.

"Well I'm 20.I am 5'10.I have a brother who is 26 who is in the army in South Korea right now.And I love modelling I guess."I laughed and put my hand on my lap.

"Your tall."He stated.

"Yeah I know?"I laughed and sipped my drink.

"Well I'm 23,I am 5'11.I have a sister by the name gemma.I was born in England and live there till I was 22.I play the kazoo and I sing a bit."He blushed and stared at the wall.Bringing back memories from when he was smaller.

"Oh and I worked at a bakery in Cheshire."He proudly stated.

I bursted out laughing.

"A(laugh)A(laugh)a bakery?(Laugh)"

He looked at me clearly offended.

"Umm yes."He spoke as if I should've already known.

"Why a bakery?(More fits of laughs)"

"Well first because old ladies are very nice and lovely.Second because everything there was half price to me.And I could always sneak their pastries during shifts."He smiled and laughed.

"Ahhh.You are something harry."I laughed and held my stomach.

"How is this funny?"He smiled.

"I don't know it just is.I mean you have tattoos!"I laughed and pointed at his arms.

"You noticed hm?"He smirked and raised his brows.

"Yes I did.They're lovely."I smiled and laid my head back.

We placed our glass cups on the trays and sighed.

"This is the best plane ride ever."He smiled and looked at me.

"Yeah it is."I smiled back and yawned.

"Night Ellie."He closed his eyes and yawned.

I blushed at the new nickname.

"Night."I closes mine and turned off the light over us.

"Ellie with the cute laugh."He spoke before falling asleep.

|WOAH!Is harry feeling something for Elle or what?A nickname and now almost flirting!?What do you think will happen next?DONT FORGET TO COMMENT AND FAVE!IT WOULD MEAN THW WORLD!LOVE YOU!|

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