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|Lily Collins is Elle in the story|

It was morning now and we were getting off the plane.

My dream was coming true right before my eyes.I was so happy and blessed that they chose me to come down and apply for them.

  "Hope you had a wonderful flight ma'am."The pilot smiled and led me out the plane.

The green eyed charmer walked up to me with a sad look on his face.

  "Well,I guess this is the last time I'll be seeing you."He looked at the ground and tightened his bag on his shoulder.

"It doesn't have to be.I mean you have a phone right?"I smiled and put on a coat.

"Right."He pulled out his phone that fit smaller in his big hand for an iphone 6.

   We switched numbers and awkwardly stood there.

"Well see you again soon,El."He smiled.

"Yeah see you,harry."I smiled.

"This has been a wonderful journey."He chuckled and pulled his sunglasses over his forehead.

"Mabye you'll find another one."I said before waving and walking out the airport doors.

The cold New York air hitting me like a wind storm.

I pulled over a taxi and got in it.

"Where to ma'am?"The man asked.

"To the liberty hotel on Adams street please."I smiled and looked out the window as we passed the city buildings.

  He pulled into the front of a tall, fancy building with "The Liberty"On the front above two golden doors.

   "Here ya go miss."He smiled as I handed him the bill.

I got out and grabbed by bag.

I made my way into the building and got to the check in desk.Where a blonde man stood.

  "Hello love,How may I help you?"He spoke.An Irish accent fully being announced.

"I just came in and I'm in room 204."I smiled an handed him my card.

  "Ah,the pent house."He smiled and grabbed my bags.

"The pent house?I think theirs been a mistake."I laughed and followed him.

"Why are you here?"He smiled and pressed the elevator  button.

"I'm here for a magazine shooting."I spoke and leaned against the wall.

"Miss Dilenta sent you?"He smirked.

"Yes..She's boss right now."

"Well she told me to give you the best room,so the pent house it is."He smiled and walked down a long red hall.

  I smiled excitedly and followed him to the top floor.Where a white door stood at the end of the hall.

"Here you go,walk up the stairs and you'll be there.Call if you need anything."He smiled and walked away.

  I stuck the card into the door slot and almost choked when I saw the room.

  White walls with big windows were the first.A red rug laid on a floor where a red couch sat.A TV as big as a bed stood on  a wall with different decor.

   I then walked into another room.White marble counters with fruit baskets caught my eye.A beautiful kitchen with luxury items kept my gaze.

  I then walked down a hall and opened a door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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