Zerrie and New Contracts

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Just a heads up, I know most people skip past A/Ns, but mine is extremely important, so please read it at the end of the chapter. Thanks!


Simon Cowell sat in his office drumming his fingers on his desk. He had just gotten back from a meeting with Syco Records and he was completely stressed out. His newest band, Little Mix, was offly popular in the UK, but they couldn't seem to crack America yet. He just didn't understand! One Direction, his golden goose, was able to build up a massive fanbase in America, so why couldn't Little Mix achieve the same?

The answer was simple. One Direction was a group of five attractive young boys who all had foreign accents and could "sing like angels" according to Directioners. All Little Mix needed was a hook. The question was, what was that hook they needed?

Suddenly, it came to him. Little Mix needed a new member! But not just any member... an American girl! It was perfect! This girl would solve his problem of being able to achieve an American following. Simon was worried though. What if a new member wasn't enough?

His office was silent except for the constant drumming of his fingers on his desk. Then out of nowhere, his phone rang. The sudden sound startled him, but he quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" he gruffly asked.

"Simon, One Direction is here to see you" his receptionist Amanda said.

Simon sighed. Whenever One Direction came by, his work was interrupted for a good hour or two.

"Send them in I suppose" Simon told Amanda as he hung up the phone.

3, 2, 1... Simon counted in his head before his door was pushed open.

"Uncle Si!" Louis Tomlinson cried out before enveloping the stiff man into a hug.

Simon flashed them a smile. "Hello boys. What can I do for you?"

The boys all exchanged a look before Zayn stepped forward. "Simon, we have a problem" he signed.

"And what would that be Zayn?" Simon asked as various scenarios of what kind of trouble the boys could be in flashed through his mind.

"Well... uh... I'm not exactly sure how to, like, put this but... uh... people kind of, like, think I'm...gay..." Zayn trailed off.

Simon sucked in a breath. He knew this was coming, but he didn't think this would happen so soon. All the other boys in the band had girlfriends, and Zayn was the only one who didn't have one. Of course questions would be asked. As Simon was mulling through his head what he could do about this problem, it hit him. A way to bridge the gap between Little Mix and One Direction. If someone from One Direction was dating a girl from Little Mix, Little Mix would easily be able to get an American fanbase!

His plan was perfect! It would solve all his problems. No one would question if Zayn was gay, Little Mix would be able to crack America, and he wouldn't have to pay to have another girl join Little Mix!

"Zayn, I've solved your problem. Starting Monday, you are going to be dating Miss Perrie Edwards of Little Mix" Simon smiled.

Zayn's eyes widened and the boys all exchanged conspiratorial looks. "Oooooh Zayn!" Louis catcalled.

"Simon, I don't really know if that's the best idea" Zayn mumbled.

"And why is that?" Simon asked genuinely interested as to why Zayn turned down the only means of escape from his problem.

"Well you see-" Zayn started before Niall jumped in.

"Zayn and Perrie sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a little Malik in the baby carriage!" Niall grinned.

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