Heart Attacks and Headaches

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Contest in the A/N at the end of the chapter! Hope you enjoy chapter two!


Caroline sat on her bed scrolling through Tumblr. Her long blonde hair piled in a sock bun and her feet swinging back and forth in the air. As she looked at the artsy pictures on her dashboard, her phone rang.

"Hello?" Caroline asked.

"Hey Car! It's Alex" her best friend/guitarist Alex said.

"Alex!" Caroline yelped. She hadn't seen Alex in two weeks because he was on vacation with his family in Argentina. "What's up?"

"Well... check your Twitter and find out! I posted the link to this contest thing and I think you should do it" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Wait, what are you talking abou-" Caroline asked before Alex hung up and cut her off.

She looked down at her phone confused before she let out a giggle. Alex was so over dramatic sometimes! Caroline minimized the Tumblr window before logging on to Twitter. She scrolled through her recent tweets and her eyes landed on a link from @Alex_the_Guitarist.

"Hey @Stop_and_Smell_the_Rosette! Saw this and thought of you... Enter it! What are you waiting for!?" the tweet said. Attached to the tweet was a link for a contest called American Mixers.

She was intrigued, so she clicked on the link; which brought her to a brightly colored website with pictures of her idols, Little Mix. There was a video posted on the homepage, so Caroline opened it and was brought face to face with the ever-talented, Simon Cowell.

"Hello American Mixers! Think you're a talented singer? Want to prove it? Send in a video of you singing any song you please and five lucky winners will get the chance to fly to Hollywood and audition to be the newest member of Little Mix! Good luck everyone" Simon said before his email address was splashed across the screen.

Caroline screamed. This could be her big break! She had to get started on her audition right away, but before she did, she quickly tweeted a thank you to Alex. Caroline didn't know it yet, but the one tweet from Alex would change her life forever.

Caroline bolted up from the computer and rummaged through her closet trying to find the perfect outfit for her audition video. She pulled out at least ten different outfits before settling on a light blue sheer top with white buttons and white skinny jeans.

Now that she had her outfit, she ran to the bathroom and let her hair out of its sock bun. Caroline brushed it out and plugged in her curling iron. As the curling iron was heating up, she got got out her makeup. She did two lines with her black eyeliner and created a winged eye. Then, she quickly swiped some mascara on and put on some frosty pink lip gloss before curling her hair to perfection.

She did a quick check in the mirror before going back into her room and setting up her camera. Caroline flitted around her room setting everything up before she sat down at her piano.

She took deep breaths as she looked over the song lyrics one last time. This was it. Her chance at a big break. This was Caroline's dream. If she won, she could potentially be onstage one day doing what she loved. She took one more deep breath before she turned her camera on.

"Hey everyone! My name is Caroline and this is my audition for the American Mixers contest. I'm going to be singing Heart Attack by Demi Lovato. Hope you all enjoy!"

And with that, she began to play the opening notes to Heart Attack. Her fingers slowly glided over the keys as she began to sing.

"Never put my love out on the line, never said yes to the right guy..." she sang as she got lost in the song.

Once the song was over, Caroline stopped recording and sat down to look at the video. After viewing it, she was satisfied and uploaded it onto her computer.

When the video finished uploading, she attached it in the email to Simon. She took a deep breath, crossed her fingers, and forced herself to press the send button. A ding sounded from her computer and she exhaled a sigh of relief. She did everything she could do, so now she just had to wait.


Meanwhile in London, Simon sat in his office, sifting through the thousands of auditions already emailed to him. He had posted the website less than an hour ago and his inbox was already clogged with videos from wannabe popstars who thought they were talented singing songs way out of their vocal range. This was madness!

"Amanda!" Simon yelled.

He heard heels quickly scurry across the floor before Amanda opened the door to his office.

"Y...yes sir?" she timidly asked. When Simon was in one of his moods, he showed no mercy when it came to ridiculous demands.

"Amanda, I need you to run out and get me an Advil. These girls are giving me a headache!" he groaned.

"Of course sir. I'll be back in just a few minutes" she said before disappearing down the hallway.

Simon just didn't understand why so many talentless tween girls decided to send in videos. He needed a break from this contest, so he decided to type an email to Zayn. The public needed to start seeing him and Perrie as an official couple, so a date needed to be planned.

"Zayn- I've put you and the boys on the guest list for the White House Down movie premiere party. The party is this Friday night. Dress formally. Don't forget, Perrie is your date to the event. Make sure to act like a couple and get pictures taken with both the boys and then with Perrie. Good luck. -Simon"

Satisfied with his work, Simon sent the email to Zayn and reopened the audition tapes. "This should be fun..." he grumbled sarcastically before delving back in to the thousands of videos.

His inbox pinged, signalling a new email. It was another audition tape.

"Oh joy" he thought. "Another audition. Amanda better hurry up with the Advil before I explode"

Simon hesitantly opened the video and petite blonde girl popped up. She looked to be about nineteen or so, meaning she was the right age. She was pretty, so that was a plus. Now if only she could sing, he would be golden.

He pressed the play button and the girl introduced herself as Caroline. She started to play the piano and within seconds, she started to sing Heart Attack. Simon gasped. This girl was exactly what he had been looking for!

Pretty, the right age, American, and an amazing singer. The fact that she could play the piano was just a plus! He got out his notepad and wrote down this girl's name.

"Caroline Rosette, you don't know it yet, but you are a finalist" he said and grinned to himself.


And that's chapter two of Meet Me, the Underdog! I hope you're liking it so far! Now, I have a contest for my dedicated readers! I need another finalist that Caroline befriends when she heads to Hollywood *spoiler alert but not really because I already kinda revealed it* If you're interested in being a finalist, just comment your name, your hair color, height, and the song you would sing in the audition video. I'll pick one person to be the finalist/new friend and two people to be the other finalists. Thanks everyone! Be on the lookout for chapter three coming soon!

Love and Kisses!


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