Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Harry found Draco asleep when he returned a scant 10 minutes later. He put the tray down on his desk and studied the sleeping form for a moment.

"You could have taken your shoes off first," he murmured.

He fiddled with the lacings for a moment, and finally managed to remove both shoes without waking the sleeping boy. What was he supposed to do now? There was no way he was just going to leave Draco here on his own. An image of the other boy rummaging through his belongings actually dragged a smile across Harry's face. There wasn't exactly anything that Draco might find of interest, but the sudden image of him trying on some of Uncle Vernon's foul socks was worthy of a smile.

The rain was getting harder. The air in the room was stifling from the suppressed heat before the rain. He wondered what Ron would say when he found out ... ifhe found out ...

He glanced over his shoulder as the sleeping figure and he knew he couldn't share this with his best friend. That would mean explaining about the curse and Harry knew that wasn't something he wanted to make common knowledge. It was too personal ... too painful.

Instead, he picked up a book and, toeing off his own shoes, crossed to the bed. Carefully he sat down next to Draco, leaning against the headboard, and started to read. Draco mumbled something in his sleep before settling against the warmth of Harry's leg.

aaaaaahhhhhh! soo sorry for the short chapter... BUT I promise I will make chaper 7 longer and much better!

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