Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry shifted and watched the raindrops trickle down the window pane as the rain finally subsides. A pair of lanterns provided ample light. He wondered briefly if the lanterns had been magicked to light up as darkness fall, or ...

He quickly banished the thought, and turned towards his sleeping companion. He pressed his lips tenderly onto the boy's forehead. Draco stirred and gazed at him with clear grey eyes. A small smile curled his lips. The hurt and pain had clearly dissipated during sleep. He pushed himself up on his elbows and slowly reached out a hand to touch Harry.

"Thank you," he said softly, eyes never wavering from Harry's face. "For coming to my rescue, and thank you for ... " His words faltered and he turned his gaze away.

Harry exhaled and nodded silently. He studied Draco's face, committing it to memory. "Come, Draco." The name rolled smoothly off his lips. "It's late and we need to get you safely home".

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