Chapter Sixteen

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Niall’s POV

I was practically jumping up and down at the moment Louis and Paul set out to find Colton and Ciara. I just wanted to hold them in my arms and take their fears away. They were my children, I had legally adopted them as mine, and I wanted to be the best father I could. My children were the most important thing to me, so this is why I want them back. I need to do everything in my power to protect them.

I glance over at the officers who had called a medical crew down here. They wanted to make sure they were in good health before coming home with me. The crew had pink and blue blankets for the young ones. They gave me permission to ride with them to the hospital since I am the legal guardian of the two. I take a glance at the clock on my phone.

Shouldn’t they be back by now? Why aren’t they back? Did something go wrong? My mind was buzzing. What could have happened? I had so many questions, but no one was here to give me answers. I shift my weight onto my right foot trying to even out the pain on my feet. I’ve been standing for a long time. The whole process of getting Colton and Ciara has put me on the edge causing me to constantly shift my weight back and forth.

The crowd seemed to clear once Louis and Paul started coming back to us. Louis was carrying a small child in pink. Her hair was short like in the pictures, and her eyes were staring at me in wonder. Her head tilted to the side in thought, almost like she was trying to remember me. The medics immediately wrapped the kids in the blankets and transported them to the ambulance. I was caught in a trance. The shock of actually seeing them in person leaves me frozen in place until a paramedic pulled me out of my trance.

I walk quickly behind the medic and climb into the ambulance. I sit down on the benches that are attached to the side of the ambulance. Colton and Ciara are on the stretchers with the blankets firmly wrapped around their bodies. From what I can see, there are some yellowing spots on their arms and shoulders that seem to be healing bruises. I listen to the driver give reports to the hospital over the radio.

The paramedics handed me the bag they had with them and starting giving me some of their clothing. They took off their shoes and hair accessories they had on. They didn’t seem to mind that their things were being taken away from them. I took their things and held them close to my lap. I stared at their small faces for a while before the ambulance arrived at the hospital.

My little two year olds that I remembered are now five years old and beautiful. I just want to bring them home already. I want them to cuddle with me in my bed like we used to do. They couldn’t even sleep by themselves. How are things going to be different? Will they be a hassle or will they be quiet, perfect children? Secretly, I want them to be rowdy. I want them to be off the walls with no limits.

The medics started moving them into the hospital. They weren’t in any rush with them since they weren’t in any danger, but I knew they were going to run many tests on them. I walked quickly behind them to make sure I was in their room with them. They wheeled them into a private room so no one would know that I was there with them. We’re trying to keep our promise to K about not getting the word out. However, sooner or later, people will start to notice that I’m out with two small kids.

The medics move Colton and Ciara onto a bed that they will be sharing. I can tell that it isn’t a busy day for them. Some of the nurses are standing around having something to drink while others are reading a book or playing a game. The medics walk out with their things while a nurse comes back into the room and hands me two robes for them to be in.

“Hello, Mr. Horan, would you mind dressing your children in these? They will be staying overnight. We’ll get them a room when the doctor comes to check on them. Alright?” The nurse to me was unbelievably perky. It might have been because it was an easy day, or because I am a pop star. Either way, it creeped me out a little that she was so perky.

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