Chapter Nineteen

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[Third Person]

The hospital was quiet. No one made a sound; no one even tried to talk. There was a miracle happening which made everyone start to appreciate life. This miracle was happening to a young boy who died for five minutes before waking up screaming his head off. He was sweating and his breathing was rough. He had never experienced that before, for a moment, he was nothing. He felt no pain, had no thoughts, and had no light shining in his soul. He hated the cold dark feeling inside him. He saw lights leading him somewhere, but he ignored them and ran in the opposite direction. I will not die, not yet. He shouted in the state he was in.

Once he had awoken, he saw people surrounding him. The bag next to him was on top of a gurney. He was confused, and then he felt something – someone hug him. He felt a set of heavy, liquid eyes staring into the side of his head. The only sources of sound in the room were the heart monitor and the sound of soft weeping in the corner of the room. The doe-eyed boy was confused on what was happening.

“W-What happened?” he stuttered out. He pushed the person hugging him away and started to rub his head.

Slowly but surely, the platinum-blond boy looked down at his body. His arms had scars scattered across from them, his legs were crooked with a knee cap poking out, and his chest had profanities burnt onto him. He remembered everything, he just wanted to know why everyone was crying, why people were sitting around him, and why the doctors had shocked expressions.

The doctors slowly pushed the people out of the room. “Kaleb, do you remember anything?”

It seemed like ages before Niall, Liam and Louis could finally see Kaleb once again. It had been three months since Niall had his children back. They were adjusting well to the new life style. After a month, they started calling Niall their father again. That day, Niall cried happy tears for an our and had a small party for the kids. He felt the need to celebrate everything they did to make him proud, but now he's here, in the hospital.

Just a few minutes ago, Kaleb was pronounced dead. His father was killed by his sister before he got the chance to see his ill son. However, this murder lead the police right to Lily and Penny. They were charged with 15 murders, and one attempted murder. Lily was found mentally insane and taken to an asylum where she committed suicide there a few weeks after she was there.

Of course not everything turned out for the best. One of them being that Kaleb was dead for a full five minutes. It was breaking Liam and Niall to see such a young boy die. Liam was more or less in love with the boy, which made it especially hard for him.

“Daddy? When can we see Kaleb? I miss him.” Ciara pouted slightly. She had only seen Kaleb when he was sleeping; she was practically dying to see her beloved uncle.

“In a little bit, baby,” Niall murmured into the little girl's hair, giving her a slight kiss on the head.

All three men were bouncing their legs uncontrollably waiting to hear the details about Kaleb. It seems like they've basically spent the last three years in the hospital waiting for something. It would always be Niall who they waited on. He was in and out of the hospital for his depression and anxiety. Everyone, including the media, was worried about him. They took pity out on him and didn't say mean things about him. They just kept saying he was in the hospital after another mental breakdown. Niall had to admit, there were some really bad days for him. He just couldn't handle not being with his babies that it caused him to scream until his throat was raw. He promised himself however, he never, not once, self harmed again.

Louis rubbed Liam's back lightly as the doctor started to come out of the room. Louis knew how much Kaleb meant to him. Even though it all came to a shock that Liam was in love with another male, let alone someone who was younger than him, they took it surprisingly well. Sometimes people feel something for someone who was different.

“Hello gentlemen, we have some very good news.” The doctor began, “But as you know, with good news, bad news comes with it. I know the bad news is the hardest so I'll start with that.” He escorted the men to a private conference room. The doctor shuffled through his papers and started to place photographs in front of the nervous men.

“As you know, Kaleb received multiple blows to the head. He will be alright with that, but it seems that a very hard blow has made him lose the ability to walk. With time, he should be able to walk again if he so chooses to.

“However, his knee cap will need surgery to help pop it back into place.” pausing once again, he took the pictures away and started with the good news, “The good news is that he remembers everything. He knows what happened to him and he remembers who each of you are. He's still very shy about talking to people. You can see him whenever you're ready.”

Liam was the first to shoot up from his chair and run to the room. Who knew that Liam would have fallen so hard for a young boy with platinum-blond hair? Well, actually, everyone knew; the media, his friends, and even Colton and Ciara. The door opened with Liam huffing to catch his breath, but he didn't stop. He ran right towards Kaleb and gave him a peck on the lips.

“I missed you so much,” he breathed out whilst hugging the boy. Kaleb was star struck but he hugged Liam back whispering that everything was going to be okay.

Louis and Niall were hot on Liam's trails and watching Liam give Kaleb a small kiss. “Ewwy! Liam kiss Kaleb!” Colton giggled, yet screeched at the top of his lungs. Niall quickly hushed his son before Kaleb looked and yelled.

“Colton! Ciara!” Kaleb laughed out and watched the five year olds run to him. He ruffled their hair and smiled. “You took care of them like I asked. They even respond to Colton and Ciara again.”

Everyone in the room were too happy to even say anything, but Niall simply nodded. “It just took a little reminding.” He shrugged as he blushed and looked down. After all these years, he was still that shy, little boy inside who always blushed at compliments.

Time seemed to move in fast motion. They all ended up on the bed, laughing and making small talk. Kaleb even agreed to move in with Liam until he found himself a proper job, but as you know, Liam would never allowed his love to work too hard for things he could provide himself.

By the end, they were all tired as Niall strummed lightly against a ukulele. “Well, you dawned on me and you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted.” Niall sang lightly as he strummed.

“I fell right through the cracks. Now I'm trying to get back.” Louis and Liam started singing along. They remembered oh-so-long ago that they sang this. “Before the cool dawn run out, I'll be giving it my bestest and nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention. I reckon, it's again my turn to win some or learn some.”

The whole rum was singing. Niall hear his little angels singing along with their tired voices. They seemed to always sing once he started. “But I won't hesitate No more, no more.” By now, Niall, Louis, Colton, and Ciara had stopped singing and let Liam and Kaleb take the lead.

“It cannot wait, I'm yours.” Liam and Kaleb sang in harmony staring into each others eyes.

Louis busted out laughing and yelled, “Get a room love birds!” Everything seemed perfectly imperfect, and they were all grateful for everything that had happened to them. Even though their journey's weren't over yet, they were only beginning.

[A/N: Thank you so much for taking this journey with me. This book really helped me become a better writer and I hope that you guys thought it was great as well. Here's me saying bye guys and I hope you loved this book]

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