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I see Amber more and more, secretly, in the night. My mother does not feed her well, so I always bring whatever I can sneak away from dinner.

After seeing Amber, I come up to bed one night and see a figure in my room.

"Who are you?" I say tentatively. The figure doesn't move. "I swear," I call, "if you take one more step, I-I'll yell for my mom! And she won't be happy..." I trail off, not knowing what to say next. All of a sudden, I see a puff of purple smoke, and everything goes dark.

I wake up in a dark room. I try to move, but my hands are tied behind my back. I try to move, anywhere but where I am sitting. I scoot away as far as I can before I hit some metal bars. Ok, so I'm trapped in some kind of cage or holding cell. Suddenly, the lights flicker on, and a woman walks down the stairs with some food.

"Good Morning, Jade!" She says, and I have no idea why she is so cheery.

"Who are you?" I ask hesitantly.

"My name is Juliet. I brought some food for you, and some string to make bracelets so you don't lose your mind in here." She seems so calm and friendly about all this.

"Why did you-"

"Well, I better get going. See ya soon," she calls over her shoulder.

"Wait! Why? COME BACK!" I scream, but I just collapse in my own anguish. I cry and cry until I'm so hungry I can't  stand not eating anymore. This woman, Juliet, brought me mashed potatoes. She must be an idiotic woman, I think, because she brought me a fork to use with my tied up hands. I bend over and sob, eating bland mashed potatoes like a pig, until I can't do it anymore, and I think to myself that this would be a really good time to die. I lie down, and will my heart to stop working.

Once Upon a Time- Regina's daughter: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now