Chapter One

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Zeus Pov. 6 a.m.

I feel like somethings going to happen today. I don't know what though. Maybe the Gods will make good progress today. Hmmm... I guess I'll find out later.

3 person pov. After school

All the gods, Thoth, Anubis and Yui included were call to Zeus's office. All were equally confused as to what it was that the Ruler of Greek Gods wanted, as this was not a common occurrence.

~~Meanwhile in the woods(during school hours)~~~~

"Wait Mr. Bunny! Where are you going?" A little girl with long black hair shouted running after a bunny, who had not until then noticed her presence. Said bunny stopped and turned towards the sound to see a young human girl, no older than five. A human child? Here? The bunny thought. After all the bunny was none other the Japanese Moon God Tsukiyomi or Tsukito Totsuka familiar. The girl stopped in front of him and slowly bent down to his (making it a boy) level. The bunny took the opportunity to look more closely at the girl. Her big onyx eyes shone with curiosity and excitement. She wore a pair of bunny ear attached to a headband and a light blue dress. "Hi Mr. Bunny, my name is Usagi. What's yours?" She asked in a calm but cheerful voice. Innocence radiated off of her, and the bunny couldn't help but take a liking to her. For his own amusement he answered. "Usamaro." To his utter shock, Usagi giggled. "Hello Maro-chan. Would you like to be friends?"

"You can understand me? No one but the brothers can..." he murmured the last part, not intending her to hear. "Brothers? Who are they? Are they nice?" She asked, eyes shining with a radiance only the most innocent of children can achieve. Usamaro chuckled. "Follow me Usagi-chan." She complied.

~~Back at the school(present time)~~~~~

"Has anyone noticed anything strange today?" Zeus asked the present audience. They all looked at each other, wondering if anyone had noticed anything. The first person to speak the most reserved member, Tsukito. "Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Usamaro. He usually comes to find me after school." The purple haired god said. "Usamaro?" a round of voices questioned.

"The bunny. Now that you mention it, it does seem odd. I wonder what he's doing." The gods teal-haired brother replied. Just then, a spirit barged in breathing heavily.

"Zeus-sama... A young girl has been spotted on the school campus!"

"A young girl? How I've summoned no one since the beginning of the school year." Said god replied, confused. Then it struck him like lightning (ehhh?? Ehhh?? ANYONE?!?!); the feeling from this morning. "So that's what was strange.... But how?" he muttered. "How old did the girl look?"

"Possibly five? With black hair. That's all we got before the boy her saw her passed out from having a panic attack." Everyone, including the spirit, sweat dropped.

~~~~~Back with Usagi (moments before)~~~~~~~~~~~

"Maro-chan where are we goin'?" Usagi asked curiously. "Can we go to a library?!?!" She asked excitement in her voice. Usamaro paused.

"Sure. Can you read?" he responded. She nodded. "Okay but be quite." She nodded again, her mouth clamping firmly shut. He chuckled at her actions, making her smile. Suddenly a girly shriek emitted from the space behind her. The pair turned around to see a older boy, back pressed against a wall, legs shaking, sweating bullets and pointing at her. "H-hu-huma-HUMAN!!" he screamed and ran in the opposite direction. Usagi tilted her head to the side cutely. "Huh?"

"Usagi-chan, this is a place where gods came to learn about humans. That was one of the many spirits serving as classmates. There is also a human girl here to teach them." Usamaro explained, hoping she wouldn't be frightened. He was once again surprised by the five-year-old.

"REALLY?! COOL! Can I meet them too?" She asked. "But library first please!!" Usamaro chuckled again. "Follow me." Usamaro led her to the library, avoiding any other spirits along the way. When they arrived Usagi jumped up and down silently in excitement. Unknown to the two; a search party of multiple gods and a human girl had set out to find Usagi.

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