Chapter 11 - YOUR WHAT?!?!

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Danni's POV:


So apparently I have been spending WAY to much time with Justin lately, thats what all my friends tell me. So today I am going to spend some time with Chris, Liz, Larry and Jamie. Yes Jamie and I made-up, we decided it wasn't worth ruining our friendship over MY boyfriend. Today was a good time anyway because it was Saturday and Justin is in the studio working on some new songs. He will be gone all day so everyone will keep me company. It is about 8:00 a.m. and everyone is coming at 8:30, we are going to go out for some breakfast. I took a quick shower and changed into a gray ruffle babydoll top, some dark denim skinnies, black louis voutton bag, and some black uggs. I looked in the mirror, I looked pretty darn cute. I went all natural, no makeup let my hair dry on its own, and I put my necklace that Justin bought me on. I grabbed my iPhone and wallet and but it in my bag. I walked downstairs and grabbed my car keys, last week my parents bought me a black convertable mustang! I love it! I grabbed my jacket and walked out to my car. I started it up and drove to Larry's. I got out and rang the door bell. His mom answered, "Danni, how are you? I haven't seen you in ages!" I laughed. "Hey Lisa, i've been good. I was on tour with my boyfriend." "Ahh, yes Justin Bieber correct?" I nodded and smiled. "Well Larry hasn't shut-up about you. He says that you guys barely talk anymore. He misses you." she said. I smiled. Larry and I talk, not as much anymore. I saw Larry walk down the stairs, "Larry!" I said running-over and attacking him in a bear hug. He laughed and hugged back.


"So Danni how is life dating a popstar?" asked Liz taking a bite of her pancake. "It's going good." I smiled. They all awwed. My phone started to ring, I knew it was Justin because his ringtone is him personally singing 'Next to you'. I answered and put it on speaker. "Hey Baby hows the studio?" "It's going good, why am I echoing" "Oh, your on speaker." " ***Justin laughs***** You wanna go out later?" "Yeah, come over around 5, can Larry, Liz, Chris and Jamie come too?" "Yeah, i'll have Ryan Chaz come, i'll bring Caitlin and Chris along too they are here visiting." "Alright well we are at breakfast so i'll see you later." "Ok, have fun i love you." "Love you too byee J." "Bye shawty." I hung-up the phone and put my phone away. "You guys are so cute together." said Jamie. I blushed when I had the worst feeling in my stomach, I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I vomited, why I was feeling perfectly fine a few minutes ago. I washed my mouth out and walked back. "What happened?" asked eveyrone. "I just vomited, I felt fine a few minutes ago. Must be the food." I said taking a sip of my chocolate milk. They all stared at me with weird looks. "Danni, have you and Justin done it?" asked Liz and Jamie. My eyes widened, "Uhh, yeah. Why?" I looked down at my food. I looked up and Larry looked furious, what is with him lately. "Could you be pregnant?" I choked on my own air. Oh my god could I? I have to talk to Justin now! "I don't know, Larry let's go. I have somewhere to go." he faked a smile and I paid for our stuff and got in my mustang. "Where are we going?" he asked. "I have to go to the studio for a second, I have to talk to Justin about something." "Danni, stop the car." I pulled over, "What?" "Are you pregnant?" he asked. "I don't know, right now I need Justin." I said starting to cry. "Why? I am your BESTFRIEND and i'm here for you, even when you dated  Chris, you came to me about everything not him." "Larry I know but that was the past. I need Justin right now, this could be something huge." I said with some tears down my face. I wiped them away and drove to Justin's studio. "You can wait in the car." I said to Larry. "Or not." I said watching Larry get out.

Justin's POV:

I just finished recording when I saw Danni looking for something, wait what is she doing here? I saw Larry with her aswell. I walked out, "Danni what are you doing here?" I asked walking to her. She had tears coming down her face, "Larry what happened?" I asked giving Danni a hug. "Ask her." he said coldly. "Baby, what's wrong." She lifted her head up and wiped away her tears, "Justin please don't be mad." Ok now I know something is really wrong, is she cheating? I nodded and motioned her to continue, "I-I think i'm pregnant." She said burrying her head back into my chest. "What?!" I asked, "You heard me." "Larry, take her car to your house. She will pick it up later." I said, Danni handed him the keys and left. "C'mon let's get you to the hospital."

*At the hospital*

"Danni Grillo" said a nurse walking out. I stood up with Danni and took her hand. We followed the nurse into the room.  "Dr. Coynn should be in shortly, just lay on the bed." Danni sat on the bed, "Justin what if I am pregnant. This could destroy your career. I don't want that to happen." "Don't worry about it baby." I said. Dr.Coynn walked in a few minutes later and he was young maybe middle 20's. "Good morning Miss Grillo and Mr. Bieber." "Morning." Danni said in a whisper.

Danni's POV:

"So just pull your shirt up so I can put the gel on." said Dr. Coynn. I lifted up my shirt and he put gel on my stomach. It was cold. Dr.Coynn finished and said "I'll be right back, here is a papertowel to whipe of the gel." I took the papertowel and whipped it off and put my shirt back down. He walked back in and I took hold of Justin's hand. "I don't know if this is going to be a good thing or bad thing, but Congradulations your pregnant." said Dr. Coynn, Justin squeezed my hand and pulled me into a hug. I am pregnant with Justin Bieber's baby. Dr.Coynn walked out and left me and Justin. "Danni, it's ok. We can do this. Aren't you alittle happy?" he asked. "Yeah, I mean I have always wanted a baby, but just not this young. But I am glad it is with the love of my life." I said smiling, he leaned down and kissed me.


"Justin are you gonna follow me to my house?" He nodded and I walked up to Larry's door. I walked in and saw Larry sitting with Chris, Liz and Jamie on the couch. "Hey guys." I said. "What happened?" said everyone except Larry. "Uhh, i'm pregnant." "Aw congradulations." they said giving me a hug. "So where is Daddy?" Larry asked kinda pissed off. "He is sitting in his car, I came to get my keys." He handed me my keys and I said, "Thanks are we still on for tonight?" I asked. "Yeah, let's go bowling!" They said. I nodded and walked out to my car. I started it up and Justin followed me home. I got home and I walked inside with Justin. "Mom, Dad we need to talk to you." We sat on the couch across from my parents. "Well, I'm pregnant." both of their mouths dropped.

CLIFFHANGER! hahahah i'll upload tomorrow! xo daniellexobieber ;*




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