Chapter 1

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While I was walking down the hallway I was a complete disaster. My hair was all frizzy, my eyes were so puffy from crying so much, and my makeup was all smeared. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and cry, cry all day and all night. It wouldn’t matter anyways no one cares about me. Even the most unpopular girl hates me; I just want to kill myself right now in front of everyone just to see what they would do.

As I pulled into the school parking everyone was already swarming around me just to find their parking space that the principal gave them.  Turns out I got the closest parking space to the front door which is a good thing for me.  Anyways I did a quick makeup check just to make sure it looked okay and I walked out. I felt brand new and confident.  I worked out all summer long and I still had my amazing summer body so all the guys and some girls were giving me ‘’ the look.” Since this is my first day here I had no idea who anyone was so I was a bit nervous, I almost forgot to eat breakfast this morning. I heard whispers all around me some guys were asking each other “who is she, she’s smoking hot.” I just kept my head up and smiled.

As I opened the front doors of the school it was complete chaos. There was a couple making out on the stairs, some girls gossiping about a girl named Jessica, and some guys were bullying this other new kid, it was a disaster. As I walked toward the front office it got quiet and everyone was staring, did I look that bad? All the guys were look at me and my butt and some even whistled, I think I’m going to like this school. When I walked in the office to ask for my schedule the principal asked me all the basic questions, who are you? Where are you from? What grade? Ect. It turns out my first class is AP English with some teacher named Mrs. Dodd.

When I walked in almost everyone was in their seats so I had no idea where to sit. It turns out there was only one seat left and it was buy some smoking hot guy so I’m okay with it. When I was walking to my seat, again like before, all eyes were on me.  When I sat down the guy next to me said “Hey pretty lady, what’s your name?’’ I answered “Madison, What’s yours?” “Carter,” he said. I’ve always loved that name. When the teacher walked in she had the worst face ever, and she was old. “Students my name is Mrs. Dodd with two D’s not one.” She had the most monotone voice ever I already knew I hated her. This class lasted for about an hour and a half, it was the longest ever. As soon as the bell ring everyone ran straight towards the door except for Carter, he waited for me. I already knew that he was going to become a good friend.

As I checked my schedule for my next class turns out I have the next class with him too. While he walked me to class he talked about the school and how everyone is and stuff like that. He also looked at my schedule and was impressed that I made the Varsity volleyball team.  When he told me his schedule he so was on the Varsity Football team, which is so attractive.

When it was time for lunch I was already prepared for what chaos it would be. Turns out it wasn’t that bad. When I got out of the lunch line a looked around for a bit and some guys and girls were telling me to sit with them so I decided to sit with them. All the guys were probably on the football team and the girls were all cheerleaders and volleyball players, just like me.  I made it through lunch and it turns out their not that bad, I think I found myself new friends. When it got close to the end of the day I had yet another class with Carter. It was Biology and I had to be his lab partner. This was a score for me because he is so attractive; he had light brown hair, tall, muscular, and last but not least the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen. He was completely gorgeous.

At the end of the day I was so tired, we ran laps around the track and weight lifted and the cheerleading we did basket tosses and toe touches. As soon as I got home I went to the fridge and made myself a sandwich so hold me over until dinner. The worst thing is that I had a ton of homework and a biology project on my first day. After I ate dinner with my family and took I shower I went to my room and decided to go to bed early. This was a long day; I can imagine how the next day will turn out.

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