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I woke up with a throbbing on my temple. 

"Ugh,"  I moaned, my reflexes making my hand go to my temple.

"She's awake!" I heard Raf yell.

I looked at the clock. 7:15 am. Luckily, it was Saturday or I would have missed school.

"What happened?" I asked, I remember coming home but nothing else.

"You came inside and dropped like a bug, sweetie, you need rest," Mom came in and handed me a disgusting orange liquid, which I drank then shivered.

When Mom left, Raf hugged then ran off to get some breakfast for me. I heard a slight tapping on my window. Tap. Tap.

I got up, throwing back the covers and opened the window. There was a spider like robot out there. 

I gasped and backed away, but she only broke my window and took me outside, then she transformed and took me away to a giant ship in the sky. 

Then everything went black.


"Hey Jacq, I got your-" I dropped the cereal. The window was broken and Jacqlynn was gone. 

I grabbed my phone and called Ratchet. 

"Hey, Rafael, what's up?" Ratchet. 

"Ratchet we have a problem," 

"What is it?"

"Jaqulynn, is gone. Her window is broken. I think it was a Decepticon or something like that."

"So, Jacqlynn has been captured," he replied.

"Exactly," I heard some clatter fro the back and what sounded like Arcee and bulkhead yelling at someone to calm down. 

"Oh. I have to go, we shall send some one up to save her, in the mean time, bumblebee will come pick you up," 

"Ok," before I hung up I heard Ratchet yelling at Wheeljack to stop and that she will be saved.

I wonder if that was what she was like when I went to the shock faze, or if that was just an overprotective autobot thing. 

You will be saved, Jacqlynn. I know that the Autobots will not let you die, especially Wheeljack. 

A/N: sorry this was short! But, anyway, comment on which autobot should go save Jacqlynn, it could be two or more!

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