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::: WheelJack's POV :::

Walking. For the past day we have been walking. The sun has started to set, and Bulkhead had laid down to rest. I sat, and watching the remaining light disappear through a crack in the plateaus. I fall backwards, a loud clunk sound is made from me hitting the hard, rough ground.

I close my optics, and try to remember my life before this all happened. When Jacq was there, and she was Jacq... not this evil version of my beloved sister, Racer.

"Hey sunshine, wanna hear a joke?" The golden brunette with the blue in her hair asked Ratchet, leaning over the railing, close to falling off.

"No, no I don't." Ratchet continued his work.

"Ah! I heard two no's! Thats a double negative! Due to PEMDAS that makes your answer a yes!" She grinned.

"Jacqlynn that is not how PEMDAS works..." Raf remarked, side eyeing her.

"Ok- what would you call Optimus if this whole robot spy-killing-war thing didn't work out and he ended up cleaning floors for a living?" She said, ignoring Raf.


"Optimus SHINE!" She climbed over the railing, sat on it, and smiled at Ratchet.

"That was confusing and also very bad." Raf mumbled.

"What he said," Ratchet responded.

"Aw come on man! It was not that bad! I have been working all day on it..."

I chuckled to myself. I miss her and Miko causing a large ruckus around the base. She seemed so carefree and happy then.

When I looked into her eyes the other day... I saw nothing, they were stone cold, not the happy and sparkling brown eyes I had grown accustom to.

I missed her. And I had plans to get her back.

~~~ Jacqlynn's POV ~~~

The hardest part of all of this was finding them. They could have gone any direction. However, I know the base is east from where they fell. Thus, to get closer to base, they have gone that direction.

I calmly flew, due to the fact that they couldn't have gotten more that 100 miles away, that fall for sure had injured at least one of them.

I scoped my surroundings, until I saw two figures, laying on the ground, in exhaustion. If I could smirk in jet form, I would be smirking.    

I landed, transforming into my normal robot self, to the reaction of Wheeljack jumping up.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? My hunch was correct!" I gave a nice sarcastic smile and fired up my blasters, straight for him.

"Wait! Before you kill me- can I tell you something?" He gave a nervous smile- immediately making me suspicious.

"Make it quick."

"I-it's a joke. You like jokes, don't you?"

"No, no I don't."

"That's a double negative and due to PEMDAS that makes it a yes."

I gave him a confused look. PEMDAS? What is he on?

"Ok ok so what would Optimus prime be called if he cleaned floors?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Optimus Shine."

He gave me some slight jazz hands.

I felt my optics widen as my vision went blurry, and my head fills with the laughter of a girl. A teen girl.

"That was confusing and very bad."

"What he said."

I lower my blaster, and sigh.

"What have I done?"

"A lot, Jacqlynn."

I look up at him and give a slight smile. I wondered if it was possible if we could cry, because I felt like I should cry at that moment. 

"Jackie... take me home."


ok ok sooooo

How are you all doinnnnnn?

Anyway- a crap ton of stuff has happened to me recently. I made it into my Youth Symphony Orchestra, and also  am going into HS! After so long i am free from one hell and going onto a different hell, where i can learn to hate everyone there, too!

Also, i changed my account name.

However, I expect you all to stay GOLDEN.

~ Golden / Jessxjpg ❤️

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