The thirteen member

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Jesse followed Beca backstage after her performance to talk about what had happened.
"Hey! Are you okay?" He asked her, a little worried.
"Because that was just—"
"I know."
Right in that moment Aubrey, Chloe and the rest of Beca's friends appeared. Fat Amy and Chloe had a big smile on their faces, while Aubrey seemed ashamed.
"That was aca-amazing, Beca! I mean, you made that crazy bitch quiet with your usual class. And that performance —I loved it! You are the best." Fat Amy said, visibly satisfied. Beca smiled at her.
"Thank you, Amy." She then turned to Aubrey and Chloe. "That was quite an impression your little friend made out there."
"Beca, I'm so sorry for what happened." Aubrey said.
"Why do you apologize?"
"Because I was the one that suggested her for the team, I had no idea things were going to go this badly."
Beca could see she felt really guilty.
"It's okay, Aubrey." She reassured her. "You don't have to say anything. Right now I would like to know what we are dealing with. Is this girl dangerous in any way?"
Chloe seemed confused.
"What do you mean?"
"What type of bitch are we talking about? Is she the 'I'll-slash-your-tires-and-try-to-seduce-your-boyfriend' type—"
"Hey!" Jesse exclaimed.
"Or the 'I'll-push-you-out-of-the-stairs-so-you-get-killed' type?"
Chloe shook her head.
"No way. She might be a slut but I don't think she's capable of any harm."
"Are you positive?" The redhead nodded. "Well, I can deal with a bitch."
"Does that mean she's staying?" Stacie asked, shocked.
"Yes, she's staying."
"Are you sure? Because it seems she could cause trouble." Jesse told her.
"You always find one of those in every team, ask Aubrey. When I first became Bella I was the problematic one, defying her and singing songs that weren't rehearsed at the semi-finals and driving her crazy."
"Yeah, but that was different. You weren't trying to sabotage me, you only wanted us to be better." Aubrey said. "Alice will do everything in her power to make you look ridiculous, she has tried it already."
"And failed." Emily pointed out. She hadn't said anything since she arrived. "She's the one who lost with all of this, her little plan went the other way around because Beca didn't react the way she thought she would. She thought she would intimidate her with her attitude and what happened? Beca proved to be smarter than her, and she won't risk looking stupid again. I agree with Beca, she should stay in the team."
"You don't think she's gonna try to sabotage our work?" Asked Cynthia-Rose.
"Not if she is as smart as Aubrey and Chloe say, at least not on a large scale like messing up the choreography on purpose or something like that. She will try other things for sure, like bitching around with her friends and ignoring orders, but nothing more. Besides, if Beca kicks her out everybody is going to think she did it because Alice defied her, not because she provoked her out of reason."
"That's a good point." Chloe said. Emily continued.
"I think we should wait and see if she indeed tries to sabotage us like Cynthia-Rose says, and if she does then we kick her out but with a stronger motive than just provoking Beca into singing."
Everybody remained quiet for a few seconds, reflecting on Emily's words.
She is right. Beca thought. I don't think she will do something stupid because that would cause her removal from the team, and she seems to be smarter than that.
"As much as I hate Alice, I have to agree with Emily." Chloe said, after a while. "We should let her stay and keep an eye on her."
"Me too." Said Aubrey.
"That makes three of us." Said Cynthia-Rose.
"Four." Added Stacie.
"Don't forget me." Said Fat Amy.
"And me." Said Lily, who had been pretty quiet.
"Jesse, what about you?" Beca asked, looking at him. He always thought things a lot, and didn't like to make rush decisions.
"Yeah, of course." He finally said.
"It's settled, then. We have our thirteen member." And they headed outside the building.

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