Prologue: Before It Began

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The night was eerily dark, as the noises of the woods howled in the teenagers' ears. The three of them snuck out on a Sunday night, hoping to make it to a secluded party that would make them the coolest kids around. "Ugh, Brandon! Are we there yet?!" Andrea groaned softly, following after the tall, brunette male with her arms wrapped around her. "Yeah.. Its pretty cold out here, dude." Jenny chimed in after the redheaded Andrea, shivering a bit as she walked. Brandon just kept walking, ignoring their complaints of the cold.

Upon a hill high above their destination, the three overlook the comfy looking abode in awe as it lit up with bright lights. Jenny raised an eyebrow on speculation as she noticed that the cabin looked nearly empty, shadows of the other party goers not visible through the windows. "Maybe we should go back.. Looks like its just the three of us that'll be here..." She nervously boasted. Andrea scuffed, before rushing down the hill, Brandon following close behind her. Jenny sighed, staying up at the hill, watching as the other two rushed to go see who would answer the door.

Brandon made it to the door first, causing him to be the one to knock on it. As soon as Andrea made it to the bottom, the wooden door had opened, and Brandon was dragged inside. "Oh god, Brandon!" She screamed out, pounding on the door. "Come on, let us in! Its freezing, this isn't funny!" Andrea screamed. Jenny knew this wasn't safe, but she slowly followed down the hill.

"A..Andrea.." She weakly cooed, looking down at her feet to make sure she didn't fall. "Brandon!" Andrea cried out again, before she was also dragged inside of the lake side cabin. Jenny looked up, not seeing her friends anywhere, just hearing a mere scream of Andrea. She ran faster, looking through the windows of the wooden house, watching in horror as her friends were slaughtered.

Letting out a small scream, she couldn't help but stare as the two hooded individuals looked up at her, running to the door. Climbing back up the hill, Jenny grasps the land beneath her to gain more support. Her pursuers slowly gaining speed on her, she quickly turned, hiding behind the nearest tree.

"This is Jason Mitchell, and we have some news for you this morning. The bodies of Andrea Morris, aged 17, and Brandon White, aged 18, were found inside of a bloodied up cabin, near a small lake in the 'Devils Woods', where shortly after, Jennifer Harvard, 17, was also found, wounded, but alive. She refuses to speak of what she saw, shaken up by the deaths of her friends, but more to this story will be released as we get more info. Back to you, Barbara."

The sound of the news shook the school of Lincoln High School, as all the television sets inside played the tragic news of their loss. Nicole looked over to Brittany, nodding her head as she got up immediately, Brittany following shortly behind her.

So, I'm aware this part probably sucks. Its just really important to the story line, I just wasn't sure how to put it in, so why not a prologue? Well, I'm not sure when or how I'll continue this, but hopefully someone gets interested in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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