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Lexie's POV 

So today where just driving me to gym. Pay arm recently healed and it's about time to go for our second meet I drew with Katie AA on the last one so I'm so excited. When we get to the place as I'm up first I try to get extra practice the they call me name and I walk on to floor and start to do my routine. As I finish with my change leg split leap in to double turn I take my ending pose hopeng I've done enough then the judges say their scores ; 10 OML I  GOT THE PERFECT 10my team run and hug me now if I get really good scores I might win. 

After the meet 

I got first place aawith a39.5 so I'm so happy I messed up on vault my legs where to open but I'm ok when we get back Caleb and Hayley hug me and Annie and we have a cake in honour of us it's such a good day that mommy lets us watch the hunger games as its my favourite film me and Annie watch it in my room and we get some snacks and stay awake till 12:45 then we go to sleep.

Ok so I know it's not very long but I'm sorry for not writing and ps Caleb is alive in my story 

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