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"Are you sure you still want to go?", Ronaldo asked as he rummaged through his drawer for a clean pair of pants that weren't cargo shorts.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Lorelei rolled her eyes as she stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from a shower, "We get free dinner and beer if we go, I'm not giving that opportunity up, especially not with everything getting catered."

She scooted around the other as he continued looking through his drawer, and she leaned over, glancing in, "Yuck. You need new clothes one of these days."

"Not my fault I'm comfortable with cargo shorts year round," Ronaldo shrugged, finding a pair of long khakis, and picked out a fresh button up shirt, "Blue or red?"

"Red," Lorelei pointed, and fixed the towel wrapped around her, "I still don't even really know what I'm gonna wear."

"Didn't you pick one of your dresses earlier?", he glanced at her.

"Yeah, but then I realized it makes my hips look too narrow and then that one button up is way too short, and my thighs show too much, and I don't wanna just go in a tshirt because then I might feel gross, and-", she groaned, cutting herself off, "I need another minute to look or something."

"Worried?", Ronaldo decided to ask.

"If people are going to judge me?", she glanced over as she opened the door to her side of their shared closet, "Nah. Most everyone going has a Facebook, and knows about me. They're pretty chill. Anyone else who doesn't know is either gonna be cool with it, or tasting my foot through their ass. And maybe your foot too."

Shortly before the two had moved out of Beach City together to Empire City to start a restaurant and life together, shortly after graduating high school, Lorelei had come out as transgender. And for the last several years, while working together with Ron to open their business and find success, she collected funds and saved money for the transitional procedures and therapies she felt most comfortable with going through. She did feel like there was some things she still wanted to accomplish, but overall, she was happy with where she was now, glad she had constant support through Ronaldo, who was more than willing to show affection and adoration towards her on less than positive days.

It had been Lorelei's idea that they attend their high school's ten year reunion, having received the invitation in the mail, and seeing the promise of a free meal, and the potential to see old friends, was quick to accept. Ronaldo was honestly quite indifferent, considering he didn't have too many friends in their class since Sadie was a year ahead of them and already out of the city anyway, it was an hour and a half drive, and if Lorelei hadn't voiced the desire to go, he wouldn't have bothered to RSVP. But here they were, slated to hit the road in about an hour, and they were still fussing to get dressed.

Lorelei finally pulled out a beachy styled blue and white sundress that tied around the back of the neck, putting on black leggings underneath, her nicer pair of sandals, and a long necklace of shells. Before she showed herself off to Ronaldo, she plopped in a chair by the vanity she'd furnished herself, and began to furiously brush out her long curled hair until it was styled as she liked, leaving the shaved half of her head bare. She tapped her cheek in thought, "Flower or no flower?"

Ronaldo turned around after buttoning his shirt to give a once-over, then pointed, "Flower."

Picking out a white hibiscus clip, Lorelei planted it right where the shaved side of her head met with her hair, attaching it close to her scalp. After carefully applying some makeup, and throwing the makeup containers in her bag, she glanced to Ronaldo, "...we should probably pack a carry on. I mean, if we're there late, I don't wanna be driving home at 1 in the morning, y'know? Let's just stay at a motel afterwards and go back home in the morning?"

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