Chapter 4

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I look down at Aidan fast asleep in my arms. 

The cool breeze coming from the window helped relax and calm him down. Aidan loves to the feeling the wind on his face. 

Father had taken us to the Beach. We hardly went to the beach when he owned the plant. He didn't like taking off of work to drive us. 

After Father closed the plant he took us for a weekend at the shore after finding another job. 

He was so excited about getting another job he didn't even drink. For the whole weekend our old father was back. 

Aidan had recently turned four; this trip was like a birthday present for him. 

We spent hours out on the beach playing in the sand. Aidan liked being really close to the water to feel the breeze from the waves as they crushed down on each ran up the edge of the sand.

I helped Aidan make his first sand castle. We had one big tower and two smaller ones on either side. We garnished it with lots of pretty shells and sea weed we found laying about. 

Father and Mother both loved it and help us finish it. "Its beautiful children, but its missing one thing... it needs a flag," said Father.

Mother said, "Yes you're right Dear, and I think I have the perfect thing to make a flag," she ran to her bag, pulled out a small piece of torn fabric, and tied it to a stick that was lying in the sand. "Here you go Macey, do the honors."

"Yay, its prefect Mom. I love it," yelled Aidan as he jumped up and hugged Mother.

"Let's go in for a swim," added Father as he picked up Aidan and ran into the water. Mother and I followed running behind.

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