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Melinda called up early one morning and invited them both to come to her house. While Derek was puzzled at receiving an invitation on such short notice, Adette was so excited about it that he couldn’t say no.

Getting ready was more of a mission than either of them had anticipated. Neither of them had needed to go anywhere for the past few weeks and as a result now they were both no longer adjusted to getting ready and being on time for things. It took Adette half an hour longer than she’d expected to shower and a malfunction with chef bot meant that they had to spend another hour cleaning up the kitchen and making breakfast again. By the time they left, they were two hours late. The only one who didn’t seem flustered by the morning’s events was Lassie, who happily sat in the back seat with her head out the window, her comically long ears flapping in the wind.

They pulled up outside the house and Melinda hurried out to greet them, laughter in her eyes.

“Hello, Mr and Mrs Tardy!” she teased, hugging Adette and shaking Derek’s hand.

“Sorry,” Adette said with a meek smile, “I guess we’ve become slackers.”

Melinda laughed and patted her on the head. “Don’t be silly. You both deserve it. After all, you’re just practicing for how late you’re going to be when you have a baby to add to things!”

Adette couldn’t help but giggle at that. “That does make sense.”

They walked inside and Adette’s eyes widened with surprise. The walls were strewn with balloons and streamers, a giant banner hanging above their head that read “Congratulations”. There was a cake and a gift waiting on the table. Lassie scurried right past their feet, ignorant to the decorations; she was much more interested in what was outside Melinda’s back door.

“Melinda!” Adette gasped, “What’s this?”

“A baby shower, silly!” Melinda laughed. Derek’s gaze wandered around the room and he noticed Eugiene sitting uncomfortably on the couch.

Adette frowned for a moment, confused; then, she lit up with realization and laughed, “I thought those were a television thing or something.”

“Maybe, but I decided to do one anyway,” Melinda grinned.

“Well, thank you,” Adette said, her face suddenly softening as she unexpectedly drew her friend into a hug.

Derek watched the pair and couldn’t help but smile himself. He knew Adette wouldn’t openly admit it, but this would undoubtedly mean a lot to her. How far she had come; in fact, how far they both had come. Only under a year ago, they hadn’t even known each other.

He crossed the room to Eugiene, offering a hand and a gruff, informal greeting. “Hey, mate,” he muttered, “What up?”

Eugiene gave a curt little nod and accepted his handshake, giving him an equally gruff response. “Hello, Derek.”

Adette pulled away from her hug with Melinda and giggled at them. “Silly awkward boys.”

“Always will be,” Melinda agreed. The two started tittering like school girls.

The two men glanced uncomfortably at each other and then looked away. Despite the fact they had managed to make some connection when they had last met, they were still very different people.

“How about some cake?” Melinda chirped excitably, clapping her hands.

“Cake would be good, actually. I’m eating for two now, after all,” Adette joked, patting her belly.

“Cake it is,” Melinda laughed, “I hope you don’t mind chocolate.”

“Not when I’m pregnant I don’t, it appears.”

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