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I rubbed the window with my hand,I thought maybe the air cond was fogging up the glass,but nothing changed and all I can see outside was this grey swirling sky.It was like we were driving through a mist.

"I'm getting off this freaking bus"

"You can't Syafiq ! you can't !...We will be late for the school trip."

"Are you crazy Adam ?!,what makes you think that this bus is even bringing us to Ipoh ?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at him scornfully.

"Well,it must be going....somewhere ?" Said Sarah trying to chill the situation.

Aiman was on his feet. "I guess Syafiq is true,I want to get off of this hella bus.Nak ikut ikutlah kalau tak nak sudah.You can stay here if you want to !"

"Can you guys please understand that none of us is going anywhere.Can you please just seat and not make this thing more complicated"Sarah burst out of her range.She was totally mad.

They all went back to their seats with a grumpy face.

We kept going further and further without even realising it.

"Raziq,kau kenapa diam je...."

"Adam,kau tak perasan ke.Ko...korang...mana...pemandu bas pergi ?"

We all looked at the driver,and that was when Aiman screamed almost as loudly as me.WHERE IS THE DRIVER ????

And you know what....How THE HECK DOES THIS BUS,MOVE BY ITSELF !!

We all shouted like this is the end of our life,like after this we can't shout anymore.

This was supposed to be our best trip to Ipoh,it was meant to be just ordinary and normal school trip.But it wasn't ! It was a nightmare,freakish,and hideous,trapped on a school bus that had a mind of its own.Gila.

"I want to go home"wailed Sarah

"We will be home soon.Dont worry"said Aiman gently.

"Mula dah drama romantik dalam bas ni,nok muntoh rasanya"I mumbled

Suddenly the bust stop moving.We walked to the door.Still locked.

"Wow...where are we ?said Adam slowly kind of whispering.

"I D K" I whispered.

Suddenly the front door of the school bus widely open.We all went down and decided to run as far as we can until we saw a neon sign flashed in the stormy,grey gloomy sky.It made me think of a lighthouse on a troubled night,beaming its warning to ships.We hurried forward,and discovered
a small house like an old kampung style house.But when we stepped up to the front door,we received our first shock.This house.Really in a bad condition.All the windows are broken.A sign had been pasted beside the door handle.

"Kawasan gaung.Larangan,jangan dekati kawasan ini.Anda diperhatikan"

But...where did the neon signed flashed come from?

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