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Meek ~
Chasers and I were at Cartier picking the perfect gift for my baby girl .. I kinda knew her style .. She likes em shinny and expensive .. I couldn't pick one do I decide to take both ...
I took out my phone and ranged her Number... She didn't pick up... I ranged 3 times .. She must be busy with Sherika right now ... So the chasers and I decided to get matching outfits for tom...

Nicki ~
It's 3:22 when I opened my eyes , we was at Sherika house watching TV when I fell asleep on the couch ... I seen  3 calls from MEEk and some tags from the barbz... I didn't brother to open my Twitter or Insta... And it's been 3 days now I haven't been on social media.. I dialled Meek right away .
Nicki : hey Babi ... I was sleeping.. Where are you?! U called me??

Meek : hey baby !!! Chill it's okay ... Ya I called you to let u know that I am going to take you out for dinner Tom.. So can u go and buy or ask rushka to get you some white dress?!!

Nicki : White?!!! Why white?! Can it be gold ?! I mean I already got one at horn that is gold so..

Meek : Ok listen... Either ur go buy what I'm asking for or we staying home for dinner !!! How that sound ?!! ( challenging her on the phone )

Nicki : oh boi.. What I'm gon do with u ?? I'll just go and get my own dress ..

Meek : What can u not do?? ( we both laugh ) now I like that better .. Now go And remember all white .. I love you

Nicki : Whatever Rhimeek!!! Love u too bye ( she Hanged up , trying to wake up Sherika who was on the other couch .. Sleeping like a pig... ) SHERIKAAAAA!!! ( I screamed in her ears she opened her yes and I was standing tall in front of her )

Sherika : Bitch!!!!! What u need!! Make ur self home !! And stop disturbing me u hoe.... Go away !!!

Nicki : WE GOING SHOPPING!!! ( I said all exited and she side eyed me , I whispered in her ear this time )
Tak is cheating on you :) ( as soon as that was said she got up )

Sherika : boi what?!! Where there Biggs at??! ( looking around the room )

Nicki : ohh soo for that nigga u got up but for me u asking me to make my self home ( she laughed ) Finally now that u already up.. Would u like to come and go shopping with me ?! Meek called and he said he is taking me to dinner out of the city Tom.. So I gotta buy a white dress !!!

Sherika : Damn nigga doing his thang right!! Aight let me get my Purse and we good to go ....

As that said we reached the first shop I wanted to visit ... Of course it had to be Balmain .. I mean who doesn't love Balmain!!??? Anyways we into the shop and decided to see the new collection they got.. I tried some dressed and ask Sherika bout her opinion and we finally came to and agreement and  ... I turned around to ask the closest helper about the my size and

Nicki : Excuse me sir .. Can you plz check this dress for me !?? 32 plz ?!!( dabbing him on his right shoulder )

** when he turned around I couldn't believe my eyes ... I dropped the dress and stood there like a paralysed bitch for at least two minute *^
Nicki : A ..aa.. Aaron ??! What you doing over here ?!? u work here now ??! ( he couldn't believe it either )

Aaron : Onika?!! What are you doing here ( picking up the dress I dropped ) it's been 14 years since we haven't seen each other ...??? God time pass by fast huh ??!

Nicki : ahah yes!!! It does .. How Long u been working here for ?!!

Aaron : Probably a year now ... But I don't work full time so ya ( hands me my dress )

Nicki : Oh ..!ok alright ' it's good to see you again.. take care  ( as I was walking  to  meet Sherika )

Aaron : Is like that Onika?  U ain't even gimme me ur number ??! I was out there lookin to contact you for 8 years.. And when I finally see u won't even share to contact with me??!

Nicki : ( turns back to him ) Listen Aaron .. I don't want u to get mix or somethin but I came here to get my dress and I'm leaving now so ... Ya it was nice to see you again ...

Aaron : Ay!! Girl u haven't changed uhu...( chuckles) I guess it was nice seeing you too

Sherika and I are headed home after we bought my dress and my shoes from the car .. I sat quietly thinking about who I just met today.. I didn't know he worked there .... We rod away for 20 mn and I stopped my driver and asked him to turn back... Sherika side eyed me but I ignore it ..she was texting Tak .. But I couldn't read what they was talking bout... I got down the car and headed to the store again

Nicki : Wait here anabelle ... I'll be back... I think I forgot somethin.
** I didn't wait for her To say something and I just walked in and he was showing directions to some lady ... I admit she was KINDA STILL CUTE.. And like I know Aaron he was also flirting with her ... Guys don't change much after all .. I just smiled and went to see him ...

Nicki : Hey!! ( he turns and look at me very surprised ) i i ... I ...

Aaron : Heyy!! Did you forget something ?!! I thought u left 20 mn ago ??! ( lookin around to see if my car was gone )

Nicki : Umm.. No no no I didn't forget anything ... I wanted to apologise for what I said earlier ... I didn't mean it .. I just

Aaron : Eeee chill Nic ... I know u didn't mean it ... I know Onika enough to know when she jokes ( we both laugh a lil )

Nicki : Um.. Ya that's all I wanted to say ... I am sorry again ( as I was walking out )

Aaron : Onika !!? ( I turned around ) I know you just didn't come to say sorry.. ( I looked at the floor )

Nicki : You do?! ( I asked very surprised ) Well umm.. Then I guess

Aaron : Here take my number ... I know u don't wanna give out ur number to ppl but ... Call me .. If I ever happened to cross your mind .. Can I write on your hand ??! ( I was still... I didn't react to what he said for a while then I decided to hand him my hand ... He wrote his number and the name he wrote was #Oldlove .  I didn't say anything back .. I just closed my palm real hard on his number and walked out )..

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