Chapter One ~ the Marking.

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An: this is a fanfiction. House of night is made by the amazing PC Cast and Kristen Cast. All credit goes to them.The only thing I own seperately in this chapter the school, natalie, her mother and the main character Seranatua. I completely own the plot.

The rain poured down the School building and splattered on the floor in a pitter patter fashion as the rain began to get heavy as the clouds opened up wider from the heavens. A single drop of rain dripped down the school bell as it rang for the final time.

A sapphire blue haired girl ran through the heavy rain and burst through the school doors and rain into her class. The sound of squishing came from her water filled shoes as she burst through her classroom door to hear the laughter of her fellow classmates. She moved her damp hair out of her face and shook from the damp cold of her clothes.

"Seranatua Nectula?" The girl looked up at the teacher as her name was spoken. Her piercing green eyes scanned her surroundings.

"Yes miss." Her voice called out and a paper ball flew through the air and smacked into the back of her head. Her skin paled and she gritted her teeth as more came flying.

The register finally finished and her desk was filled with roughly 20 balls of paper. She had bit her lip to raw as her anger risen. She hadn't felt this aggravated in a long time and held her head as a headache began to arise and punched the inside of her skull.

They taunted her for the rest of the lesson. Name after wretched name, they called her them all. After the final name was being mouthed by the idiot boys in the class. "Slu-" She pushed her desk over with gasp of the teacher and stormed out.

Her best friend came out of the class and just hugged her. "I'm sorry Seranatua." Natalie held onto her but Seranatua didn't speak. Just held onto her necklace tightly.

Seranatua closed her eyes and saw her Mother smiling at her. Her mother gave her that necklace to always remember her by after she passed away. Her father passed away not that long ago because of an accident that happened at the school he worked at. She remembered the night her Mother died.

Seranatua giggled as her mother tickled her repeatedly. "Mummy stop." She laughed out as her mother picked her up and swung her around in the open air. Seranatua was only 6 years old at the time of her mothers death. The backdoor creeped open slowly and her mother looked puzzled but continued to hold her daughter in her arms. Soon, a massive clang echoed through the corridors and her mother bolted up. She quickly put her daughter down onto the bed. "Dragon, take her somewhere safe." The man called Dragon stepped out of the shadows.

"Dad?" Seranatua said and ran into Dragon's open arms.

"Hey Sweetheart." He smiled but turned to face her mother with an agonising expression. "It's the church... isn't it?"

"Yes, get her back to your mate quickly." Her mother said. Dragon went to protest but the mother shook her head.

"Mummy?" Her mother ran and kissed her daughter on the head urgently.

"Be safe Seranatua. Remember I love you." With that, Dragon leaped out the window as her bedroom door smashed open and the gleam of the cross was the only thing visible to her.

"Dad! Don't leave mummy." Seranatua cried out but it was too late. The splash of blood sprayed across the window and seranatua screamed.

Dragon ran to the house of night. "Neferet! Anastasia!" He screamed and both headmaster and his friend came running out.

"What is it Dragon?" Neferet said but soon her eyes locked with the girl on his lap. "Is this?"

He nodded. "They got her... she wouldn't let me help her." His voice broke and Anastasia took Dragon into her arms and he calmed rapidly.

Neferet took the girl out of his arms and hugged the girl. "What do you want me to do?"

"I couldn't leave her there. She is my daughter." His shoulders shook immensely.

"She cannot stay here... she is human." Neferet said and smiled at Seranatua who looked up puzzled at her. "I will take her to the orphanage and give her peaceful dreams. I have a feeling this won't be the last she will be here."

Dragon looked up hopeful. "Did the Goddess-"

Neferet shook her head. "She has a strange power around her."

Anastasia sighed. "Neferet, please do what you can. I can't stand to see him suffer." She said looking down to the man in her arms.

"I will."

The last thing she remembered was those green eyes of that woman before the pitch blackness that followed. She opened her eyes once again and they locked on a shadow moving.

Her eyes caught sight of a figure walking towards them. "Is that?" Natalie said and the man moved passed her towards Seranatua.

Seranatua looked up at him with tears brimming her eyes and the vampyre tracker knelt down and brushed his hand across her face like a father would do to a crying child. His fingers brushed her tears back whilst the back of his hand moved gently across her cheek. "Please do not cry." Natalie stood there watching in shock and horror before she realised that that man actually calmed her down and seemed to know how to care for her better than she did.

Seranatua looked at him and saw blue intense eyes. She seemed to look dazed at the man as he pulled his cloak head down. Everyone was in class so no one could sww. On his head was a cresent moon with a beautiful blue pattern that seemed to caress his face making his face seemed more handsome. He looked too perfect and she knew that there was something a bit off with him. Bad temperament or even as the girls call it nowadays 'men slags.'

"Seranatua Nectula. Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; harken to Her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night!" his finger touched her forehead and she let out a cry of pain.

Her forehead felt like it was on fire as it radiated and began to spread like wildfire through her body and brain. "Seranatua!" Natalie yelled but all Seranatua heard was a muffle of noise.

Soon her head cleared and she opened her eyes to a shocked Natalie and an even more shocked Vampyre.

"What happened?"

"You were marked Seranatua... but... it's different."

Seranatua groaned and touched her forehead but quickly dropped her hand with a groan. " Who are you and why are you staring at me?"

"My name is Erik... Erik Night and your marking... your marking is violet."

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