With this needle, with this thread
I take these pieces, these broken pieces
And sew them together again.Trying to heal, trying to fix this thing
This broken heart, barely beating
Shattered, bruised, scared, broken
Just wanting to heal and be whole again.With this needle and this thread
I sew and sew
All these broken pieces, the sharp edges, back together.
Please be whole again.Or I can take this needle, and this thread,
And use it to fix you instead.
My broken heart healed,
With your flowing blood.Sew your lying lips together,
Stab your wondering eyes,
No more cheating,
No more lies.Wonderful silence,
Blind eyes,
You will not hurt me, Nor any other
Ever again, my dear
Never again.
Poems, Rants, and Other Random Shit
PoesíaI guess this is just different stuff in my head that I needed to get out. Most people may not understand but I'm going to write it anyway. It's just rants, poems, short stories, painful paragraphs and diary pages.... Read at your own risk. My mind i...