d i f f i c u l t

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I went to class - it was empty, even the teacher wasnt there. I sat down and took out my pencil case. Waited in slient for about 3 minutes untill a bunch of football hoolagons arrived and made some much noise. I covered my ears as my ears were in pain. One in a ketchup stained top pointed at me and said "What you looking at, punk?" and his friend next to him laughed and said "She fancies you mate!" I just ignored it because thats what i do best. "Ewwwww, i don't deserve her! Well maybe i have been bad a few times and i used my little sisters toothbrush to get dog dump of my shoe, but her fancing me is a really painful and yucky punishment" he yelled. All of them laughed. Then the cheerleaders came in and started kicking the back of my chair. "Dont kick her chair!" one said. I looked up. Was someone actually defending me? "Why?" The head cheerleader asked. "Because the chair has her germs on it!" They all laughed and i hid my head im my hands. "Oh look Gemma, you made the little baby cry!" giggled one of them. "Hush! The baby needs some sleep!" shouted the other one. Mr Montague came walking in with his blonde hair covered in glitter. He sat down at his desk and sighed. "Sir?" said Gemma raising her hand. He looked up and said "If your gonna ask me why theres glitter in my hair...." "No...i wasnt going to sir. I wanted to ask what grade i got on the test" He buried his head in his hands and mumbled "I dont know, now get out your textbooks and....start questions 5 &....s.ix" then he fell into a deep sleep.

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