Cool Down, Jeff

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I walked straight into the woods, which was covered with dead leaves and sticky mud. It's been raining for a while now, but I don't mind. It seems to cool me off. I don't know what got me so upset at him, it just happened. I can't seem to explain this sudden flood of emotions. My stomach is all clenched up, but I feel like puking. Was it something he said... or something I said?? Fuck I don't think I hate him. I just got suddenly so annoyed. Was it because he didn't want me there? I know he doesn't because I really don't want to be there either. Why did I have to give my fucking room away? 

Suddenly my thoughts stopped. I heard someone or something step on a twig. It made a very loud snapping noise as I slowly looked in that direction my heart was beating so fast. I know I shouldn't be so scared, considering I'm a pasta. Imagine you were me though or wait, Imagine I was you and you were me. It'd be like that. Its just the fact of being alone in the woods and suddenly hearing something like that so close to you.

Just then, I heard footsteps walking towards me. I quietly, but quickly walked backwards not wanting to know what this was. As I turned to run I heard something, kind of like a mumble. I stopped for a second, the voice seeming familiar. I panted as I was out of breath already, and slowly looked over my shoulder to see a pair of red eyes seeming to get closer. 

"B-ben?" I called out. My breath shaky. 

"Jeff, you goof. Who did you think it was?" Ben said coming into view. 

"I honestly don't know-"

"Jeff, why are you out here?" He interrupted me. 

"Ben, Slendy moved me into LJ's room..." I said actually wanting to cry. 

"Did you find out why? At least your room is closer to mine." He said seeming to blush. Well it sounded like it.

"No, but you are right..." I mumbled not wanting to be out in the woods any longer, so I just shuffled my feet and started to leave.

Ben followed at least, he was quiet for the longest time and when i looked back at him he was looking out of the corners of his eyes with his arms crossed. I just kept my mouth shut and walked back to the mansion. I walked in to see Jack laying on the couch eating candy. Ben walked past me, where I stopped and ran upstairs. I stood there making a fool of myself. Staring down at my feet glumly. 

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