The Pact

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So it was decided that Sarah would be allowed to go to the aide of the mortal's.

But only at the final battle, and only once she was summoned.

Duth took the message to Hermione, for she was the most level headed and the only one Sarah trusted not to call out for help in a fit of panic.

Now, with only a little luck, Jareth would stop brooding over the fact Sarah had won another 'conversation'.

Which is what they were calling arguments.

"Truly beloved, stop brooding, it is not as if I am going to leave right away. Let us enjoy the time we have before I am summoned away." Sarah reasoned as she walked with him from the courts, Ori bubbling happily in her arms.

"What would you have in mind? And I am not brooding." Sarah was calling bull shit on that.

"We could have Oberan and Rosal watch Ori, Tiffany and her chosen are getting married tomorrow. We could sneak out and go to it; what the Wee Free Men call "sheep ligament" packs quite a punch." Sarah noted with a smile.

"My lady love, I do believe you are attempting to consume all the alcohol you missed while pregnant." Jareth teased with a smile.

"And do you have a problem with that, my king?" Sarah questioned.

"Not at all my queen." Jareth responded with a roguish grin as he remembered exactly how she acted while intoxicated.

"Good, then that's settled."

"What's settled? Nothing is ever settled between us."

"That you are going to stop brooding, and we are going to get roaring drunk, or at least I am." Sarah informed him with a smile.


"What's the name of the poor sod marrying Miss.Aching?" Jareth questioned as he stared down the mortal.

"I feel bad for saying this; but I have no idea." Sarah admitted quietly, earning her a strange look from Jareth.

"Don't look at me like that, with everything happening in the other world, I am a little con-fizzled."


"Shut up and enjoy the beautiful display of love before us." Sarah muttered as they watched Tiffany enter the small chapel.

The wedding was nice, but boring, except for the comments that Jareth regularly made. And the Wee Free Men whom had stolen, not only the bride, but the rings as well. Apparently, they were having issues with their hag being married off, even if they did approve of the groom. 

The strange happenings were quickly written off and, for those whom did not know of the clan, it was simply said that the bride was never on time for anything, and the couple were a little forgetful. 

Sarah had ensured that they sat towards the back of the chapel, so as to keep out of the way, and to be the firsts out, the first to the "sheep ligament".

Except they were not.

"Please, tell me they are not here." Jareth glowered at the few hundred Wee Free men, all that froze when they saw him. Sarah was unsure how he had not realized that it had been the Wee Free Men whom had delayed the wedding at every chance they could get, but she decided against poking the already irate King. 

"Should we run?" One questioned Rob.

"Naw, Queenie won't let him touch us." Rob Anybody assured them.

"Is there any alcoholic beverage left?" Sarah questioned, looking over the inch high men.

"When you say alcoholic beverages, you mean...?"

"Jareth, kindly dispose of them." Sarah spoke through gritted teeth; mad at having been hoodwinked out of alcohol.

"I'd have no killing at a happy time, thank you very much." Tiffany spoke, intervening for the small men, ever the witch.

"They do not have to be killed, simply disposed of."

"High King, these men are my guest, and you know that a witch offers sanctuary to all she invites to a party. Now, dance and be merry." Tiffany instructed, a steel in her eyes that informed the King it would be best to do as advised.

"Come along, Goblin King, I'm in the mood for a reel." Sarah informed him as she took his hand, pulling him into the dance.

"You two are forming an alliance." Jareth grumbled as he looked down upon his Queen, a smile hidden in his eyes.

"All women have an alliance to keep the peace, though I must admit that I am put off at the thought of not trying any of the shepard's sheep ligament." Sarah admitted with a frown.

"I have a bottle of Elven wine hidden in my dresser." Jareth grinned, enjoying the idea of his beloved, a bottle of aged wine, and a locked door.

"Actually, you don't." Jareth almost paused, but his natural grace kept them moving.

"Need I ask why?"

"I got bored, you were off somewhere, and I happened to open the third drawer of your dresser, and locate the hidden panel. It was an accident, in all honesty." Sarah admitted, avoiding his eyes.

"And was it also an accident that you happened to drink all of it?"

"I did not drink it all on my own..." Sarah muttered the rest, to quiet for even Jareth's keen ears to hear.

"And who are you inviting into our room?" Jareth inquired, drawing her closer to him.

"I took it with me and visited your mother; if it is any conciliation we had a good laugh over your childhood stories." Sarah smiled up at him sweetly.

A/N: I am sorry that this was short and that I haven't updated in forever, but my wifi is messed up and is not working. I am currently bumming wifi from a friend but, alas, it will not last.

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas, or any holiday you celebrate, and will continue to have a happy New Year's!

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