The Movie

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It Saturday night. Like 6:45. I should go pick up Mar. I check myself in the mirror one last time before I leave. Ok Erin you got this. Be a gentlemen.

I get to her house and walk up to the door. I knock. Her mom opens the door. "Oh. You must be Erin. MAR YOUR DATE IS HERE!" I jump a little. Man her mom can be loud.

I look at the stairs as Mar starts to walk down them. Her outfit was way more stunning then it usually is.

"Wow you look amazing." "So do you. You are much more nice then the other guys. They don't always come to the door." We walk to my car and I open the door for her. "Here you go." "Thank you."

It was a silent drive there but when we got inside we started to talk. "Two tickets to The Visit please" I pull out a $20 dollar bill. "Oh no you don't have to pay for mine. I can do it myself." "No I insist." I give the lady the money before Mar could.

We walk in and I buy us a large popcorn and a pop, also her favorite candy.

We get into the movie when I see someone I know. I look at them for a while and realized that it was Collin. What was he doing here? Anyways I push him out of my head and focus on my date. With the most amazing girl in the world must I say.

We walk into the theater just in time because the movie was starting. We find some good seats and sit down.

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