Chapter 1: And So It Begins

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"EARTHQUAKE!" said a man as the world shook.

Every thing was shaking and it was hard for me to leave but I managed to get to a door at the end of the hall way.

"Hello Nako its a pleasure to meet you." said a woman right behind the door.

"W-Whats happing who are you!?!" I screams at the woman as I tried to keep my balance.

"I must not tell you that dearie, but you should fallow me." the woman said and started walking away.

"W-WAIT!" I yelled after her but I don't think she herd me so I ran after her.

I kept running but it seemed like the more I ran the father she was.

"DING DONG!" was that a clock I just herd ?

I stopped to catch my breath but then a there was a flash and when I blinked every thing around me was weight. Then there was a rumbling sound and when I turned around every thing started falling into a black abyss. And now I'm falling into darkness waiting to fall and die. But wait what is this light things around me? What's happing. And this is how my journey began.

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