Chapter 3: The Last One To Come

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In the real world in a different time line........

I started playing with my braded hair as I waited for the bus to come. I cant believe I had a family member that was a king I never new about died two days ago. I wish I got to know him more, and get stuff from him. I could see the bus coming from down the road so I got up off the bench.

"Hay girl come play with me." said what sounded like a little kids voice.

"Go away kid I cant play with any one." I said with out looking at the kid.


Was that a clock because if it was it sure was loud and what the! The world started to shake so i leaned onto the bench.

"HELP!" I screamed but there was no one around.

Then the ground started falling away into darkness. I tried to run away but I couldn't I was paralyzed in fear. The next thing I knew I was falling into the darkness below me. What are these light thing flying around me I thought.

Fantasy Tail: The Battle Of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now