Thirty Nine

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"John came to stay with us for two weeks today." Sam tells me and my eyebrows furrow. "You probably don't remember him, because you met him on like the first day the both of us met. You called him J-Swizzle when you were drunk." Sam explains.

My eyes widen, "oh! Swazz! John Swift, right?"

Sam nods his head, smiling, "that's the one."

It feels nice to see Sam smiling. His deep dimple evident and I'm so glad that we're sort of on good terms, but without the closure I want from him. I'm not gonna mention it because it might upset him.

My phone annoying rings in my pocket and I take a quick glance at my screen. I let out a huff and Sam notices.

"Answer his phone call." Sam says. "Work things out..."

"Since when do you want me and Jack to be together?" I ask Sam.

"I already told you. There's nothing I can do about it anymore." He shrugs, leading me into the living room.

I purse my lips to the side before answering. We can't fight like this anymore because we're engaged and we need to mature.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Camila, where are you?" He automatically asks.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. Or I could stay childish and not tell him where I am.

"Don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow." Is all I say.

"Wait, why-"

I hang up the phone, putting it back into my pocket. Sam stares at me intently, giving me an apologetic look.

"Want to go to the beach? Get your mind off of things." Sam asks me.

"I don't have a swimsuit." I tell him.

"We'll go buy one at target or something." He smiles at me.

Maybe it'd be fun. We'd get to catch up on things. Just us, not anybody else. I nod my head at him and he goes up to his room to grab swimming trunks and a towel.

"Hey, where you guys going?" Nate appears in front of me.

"To the beach." I reply.

"Sweet, can I come?" He asks.

"Me too!" I hear Johnson shout to us, chiming in.

"No, no, no." Sam comes back out with everything. "It's just us going."

"But it'll be more fun if they come." I try to convince Sam because I don't want it to be just us.

"Camila, us two are just going." Sam says with finality in his voice and I decide to leave it alone because I don't want to cause more problems with him.


We've bought food and a swimsuit for me and now we're on the way to the beach. As I'm looking out of the window and listening to the radio, Sam's hand creeps onto mine and I look at our hands and at him.

His eyes are totally focused on the road. I should've known he was going to drive something. He slowly lifts my hand up to his lips, kissing it and smiling. (Pic above)

"Sam." I sigh.

"Camila, why can't you just let things happen and let nature take its course? You and Jack fight all of the time. It's clearly not meant to be."

"And here I thought you were fine with me and Jack?" I question, confused as hell.

"I'm trying to be, but you and I both know that we'd be better together." Sam tells me.

"If you didn't remember, I'm wearing a ring. The ring says I'm marrying someone very soon."

"Does that someone still love you?" He looks at me for a split second before pulling to the beach.

His words get me thinking. When was the last time that we said we loved each other. Maybe three weeks ago? Or two? We should be saying it more often if it's true. I speak up.

"We're here to have fun and get our minds off of this." I say.

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry." Sam replies, getting out of the car and grabbing the things from the back. "But you should go back home to Jack tonight. I think it'll be better for the both of us."

I purse my lips to the side and shrug my shoulders. Don't know if I should. I lay out our towels onto the sand as Sam tosses everything on top of it.

"Let's go into the water. You always want to tan." Sam says to me.

"Remember last time? I went into the water and you didn't let me tan." I retort.

"But you're tan enough." He whines and then smiles. "Into the water, come on."

I groan, giving in and sitting up. I then stand and follow him into the water. He childishly races me there and I jog to him.

"It's not cold!" Sam shouts to me and I know he's lying.

I slowly step into the freezing water up to my waistline and cross my arms over y chest, due to being cold.

"It's not that bad." He chuckles.

"Yes it is." I nod my head.

He saunters over time in the water and wraps his arms firmly around my waist. I nervously swallow a lump in my throat. We're so close to each other, but it's not uncomfortable to me. Maybe it's a sign?

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Fuck ur signs

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