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We spend the entire day lost in songwriting and using the emotions of todays drama to our full advantage by creating heartfelt lyrics about love and trust, friendship and fear. The three of us write well together and the time flies as we realise its now dark outside and dinnertime.

Its only when we stop working and writing that Im suddenly engulfed in anxiety again.
"Go and try to call him again" suggests Liam noticing im not ok and I nod. He and harry walk with me to the hill i need to stand on to get decent signal because they insist i need the "moral support" but step away slightly to give me privacy in my conversation as Andy answers my call.

"Lucy stop calling. i dont want to talk to you. I need some space. I need to think. My head is in bits" he says as he answers.

"At least let me explain" i plead

"I got your voicemail. I heard your explanation. It still doesnt make it any better. Youre my wife and now the whole world thinks youre sleeping with Harry Styles" he says angrily

"But im not. You know im not. Right?" I ask

His silence is deafening. It says it all. He doesnt. He doesnt know. He doesnt believe me.

"Andy for fucks sake weve been together 11 years. Theres only you. Theres only ever been you" i sob

"I wish i could be so sure" he says as he ends the call abruptly. I call back. He doesnt answer. I try again and again getting more and more hysterical. He wont answer.

"He doesnt believe me. 11 years and he doesnt believe me. Why am i only finding out now that my husband doesnt trust me" i sob as we walk back indoors.

"I need to go home and sort this out" i sob as they both nod in agreement.

"I'll drive you" offers liam.

"Infact no. Lets get you a flight. Its an 8 hour drive. Its an hour on a plane.

I pack up some of my belongings and the boys drive me to the
airport, booking me on the next available flight home. I feel terrible. Ive been employed to write their album over the next 3 month and yet just 3 days in and before the other half of the band has even arrived im heading back home.

"I'll be back Monday" i promise thr boys as i jump out of Harrys range rover at the airport.
"Make sure you are - we cant guarantee someone from the record label wont turn up through the week next week to check up on us - but you should be safe enough over the weekend" says Liam.


I put my key in the door and walk inside, its 10pm. The house in in silence and dark. Andys not home. I never told him i was coming. Im hoping the element of surprise of me dropping everything and flying home to sort things out with him will prove to him im serious. Im just disapointed hes not here. I think about where he could be. Its friday night. Ahhhh. I know exactly where he will be. The local pub hold karaoke on a friday and he goes regularly.

I let myself back out of the house and walk the two streets to the pub, heading inside and hoping when he sees me his opinion might change. I look around but i cant see him in the usual corner where he sits wirh his mates, although some of them are there. I walk over to them and ask if any of them have seen Andy. Their faces look like theyve seen a ghost and none of them answer me for a few seconds. I guess news travels fast.
"He was in earlier but not seen him for a while" says Rob finally.
"Well wheres he gone?" I ask perplexed.
He shrugs and goes back to playing cards so i turn to leave wondering where the heck Andy is if his mates are all in here and hes not at home. Maybe his mums? I decide i'll check there next.

I walk to his mums a few streets away and knock on the door. Shes surprised to see me and tells me shes glad ive come home to sort things out because she knows its all a big misunderstanding but she says she hasnt seen him since dinner time when he'd called around.
"Maybe best to just head home and wait there love" she says "He'll be home sooner or later".

I walk home, make a cup of tea and sit waiting but by 2am there is still no sign of him and im really worried. Ive tried calling him several times but his phone is off. I just dont know what to do so i turn the lights off and head upstairs to bed.

Im awoken by loud drunken voices on the street outside and soon it dawns on me in my sleepy state that its Andys voice amongst another. A female voice. I look out of the bedroom window to see him helping a girl out of the taxi and leading her by the hand into the house. Our house. I freeze in shock as his key tuens in the door and i head them making their way upstairs to our bedroom then the door flings open and he is the one frozen as the girl holding his hand glares at me and i glare back at her across my bedroom.

"What the fuck" she says as she backs away. "Are you his girlfriend? I didnt know he had a girlfriend i swear" says the girl as i stare at them both
"Wife" i correct her before turning my attention to Andy and the girl slips out of the room, down the stairs and out of our house slamming the door loudly behind her as she does.

"I came to sort things out - to prove to you that you can trust me" i scream "what the fuck are you doing? We fall put so you go to a club, pull a girl and bring her home to OUR house to have sex with her in OUR bed?" I rant but he just stares at me speechless.

"Was this your revenge because you thought id done something with Harry? Wanted to even out the score? Well i think we both know by the fact ive come all the way home to sort things out with you and left a gorgeous, famous, millionaire there that i didnt do anything or id have just fucking stayed there with him. He booked and paid for my flight home because HE cared about our marriage and could see how upset i was. Harry Styles flew me home to YOU so i think we can safely say im not screwing Harry" He nods in agreement that me being here right now proves my innocence.
"But you couldnt wait to let me prove myself - you went out and found yourself someone to have sex with at the first available opportunity and now Andy - we are DONE." I say as i storm past him, run downstairs, grab my still packed bag and run out of the door. I dont know where im even going but i cant stay there. My heart is shattered. He was prepared to cheat on me that quickly after one stupid misunderstanding. had he done this before? I wondered as i ran along the street not caring that it was 4am and i was alone. Nothing could happen to me that would be worse than this.

I flagged a passing taxi and told him to take me to the airport. I was going back to scotland right now. I couldnt stay here.

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