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Harrys POV

Well i finally asked her and she agreed to go out with me. Im still not entirely sure she believes i like her but i can woek on that. The main this is i have a date wirh her. Tonight.
Shes gone upstairs - presumably to get ready - so i take a quick moment to fill the boys in on my plans.

"I fucking knew you liked her" said niall as louis nodded.
"Sssshhhhh" i told them pointing out that she was in the same house and might hear.
"im made up for you man" said liam high fiving me as louis and niall followed suit.
"Just dont make a big deal out of it though. Dont embarrass her you know how shy she can be" i begged them, knowing how much they loved winding people up but that it would really bother her if they did.
"Nah its cool" they all agreed.

Moments later Lucy shouted Liam up to her room. I was a bit worried. I wondered if she might be having second thoughs and getting him to let me down gently.

Liams pov

Lucy shouted me to her room and when i entered i was forced to sit on her bed and help her to choose an outfit.
"Ive no idea" i told her honestly.
"Well neither have i! ive never been on a date remember" she reminded me.
"Youve been on dates with girls what do they wear?" She pressed me but i didnt know. Clothes! I wasnt the most observant person so i shouted Louis for reinforcements. He was much more into fashion than i was.

Between us we picked out four dresses and she tried them on but by the third we had already decided she was sorted. She looked incredible in a tight little black & white number.

"Outfit sorted - good luck not drooling when you see her - she looks hotttt" i told harry as i returned to the lounge.
His eyebrows raised and i could tell he was excited to see.

"What are you wearing mate?" I asked as he sat beside me in his usual shirt and skinny jeans style.

"Suit" he said casually

"Ooohhhh bringing out the big guns mr styles" i laughed

"Well yeh. Its a date. I need to impress her. And besided in taking her to Eiffel. Its a suit kinda place." He replied.

He was right - it was a suit kinda place. It was the fanciest restaurant in L.A. Lucy was going to have the best first date anyone could ever wish for and Harry was a lucky guy getting to take het. Id take her there myself given half a chance - any of us would.


Lucy's POV

I apply a final coat of mascara and smooth my hair - its the most glammed up ive been in years, it feels a bit silly going to these lengths for Harry - he sees me when i get up in a morning with a hangover and the night before's mascara smeared around my eyes but he's taking me out and I want to look nice - not just for him but for myself. I spray on some of my perfume and look in the mirror.
25 years old and going on my first proper date. In Los Angeles, with Harry Styles. I might have waited longer than most girls for a date but Im pretty sure that most would swap a good dating history in an instant to get to do this. I take a deep breath and open my bedroom door. Im nervous which again is silly because its just Harry. My friend Harry. I have to keep reminding myself of that fact. He knows me - I just need to be myself. Theres no need to impress him.

I walk slowly and carefully down the huge staircase that splits the mansion down the centre, its not easy in these heels but i make it and when i get to the bottom hes stood in his suit looking absolutley stunning. His long curly hair styled to perfection.
I look sideways to see the other three members of the band peering out from around the lounge door and i cant help but laugh. Harry laughs too which is good because it breaks the ice.
Wolf whistles come my way as i blush.

"Well they beat me to it but you look beautiful" he whispers in my ear as he kisses me on the cheek.
"Thanks. You look so handsome" i tell him truthfully. He really does.prince charming would be envious.
"Lets go then" he says as he takes my hand in his and leads me outside.

"Keep your paws to yourself Styles" shouts Louis as we both laugh and close the door behind us.

He helps me into his range rover which is perhaps just as well given my short dress and the height of the step up into it.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he drives down the road

"A restaurant called Eiffel" he says as i gasp. I've heard of Eiffel. Its always in the glossy magazines because all of the celebrities go there.

We arrive outside and a man comes and takes the car to park it for us. Ive seen that in movies but never in real life. Then we walk inside.

"Welcome back Mr Styles" says the restaurant manager. "Allow me to show you to your seats" he says as he leads us to a private table at the back of the restaurant. Its stunning. The tables are covered in crisp white cloths,the lighting is dim but the tables are candle lit, Its very romantic.

Harry orders a bottle of something i wouldnt even know how to pronounce and the manager goes to get it. When he returns i realise its champage. Of course it is - why have wine when you can have champagne? Harry knew how to treat a girl that was for sure.

"Cheers" he said as he raised his glass to mine and we clinked then i took a sip. Jeez it was strong. I winced.
"Yeh - go easy on it its pretty strong" he laughed as he reached across the table for my hand, taking it into his.

"How are you liking dating so far?" He asked and i smiled. "Im liking it a lot. I feel special" i admitted.
"Well you are special so you should" he said as the waiter handed us menu's.

We decided what we were eating and ordered. At least i didnt need to feel self concious eating in front of him. He had seen me do that many, many times before.

Harrys pov

She looks absolutley stunning. Shes always been pretty i noticed that the day we met but tonight she looks elegant & even more beautiful than normal, her skin glowing by the candlelight as she sips her champagne. This is how she should be - not sat around crying over some idiot that was lucky enough to marry her then stupid enough to ruin it.
I can take or leave these kind of places, the novelty has worn off them now for me - but she is loving it and im happy purely because she is.

We chat about L.A and she tells me how much shes enjoying being here. I already knew she was because id seen such a change in her this week. Thats why i asked her out tonight. She seems like her spirit has lifted and maybe shes ready to move on.

After dinner Im going to make my move. Im going to kiss her tonight. I cant wait any longer.

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