Chapter 5: The Fate Of A Prophecy

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I slept for a good 5 hours before I woke to the sounds of Emma's voice. I got up and walked to her. She had done it, she had made contact with Earth. "Voyager this is N.A.S.A Command, go ahead." The radio said, "N.A.S.A Command I have arrived on a planet known by the locals as Dracon, where I have encountered local lives who maybe willing to aid us" She said into the radio.

"I take it they wish to meet with the president?" The man said to her, "Naturally and we should be prepared to make amends." Emma said. "Say again?" The man said, "Believe it or not, I'm with Prince Kavin and he is a Crystal Dragon. I'm on a world ruled by Dragons, however they hailed from Earth like us and are looking for us to make amends for the slaughter of their ancestors centuries prior" Emma said seriously. "It is true Command, I am Prince Kavin" I said to them, "Well then it is a pleasure to be speaking with you your grace, I take it you wish to speak with the President?" He asked me. "No, it is the God of all Dragons who wishes to speak with your president, Perfius" I replied. "Well we will be there by the morning, the president insisted himself to use the newly designed hyperspace engine." He said to me. "Very well we wait for his arrival." I said.

After a bit, Emma and I went outside and looked up at the 2 moons in the sky which were descending and the sun began rising. "Hyperspace engine?" I asked her, "It's a device enabling them to come here quicker than we did" Emma said to me. "How come your ship didn't have one?" I asked, "It's too big for a ship like mine and it's only designed for cruisers." Emma replied. "So he'll be coming to meet Perfius." Emma said, "I wonder what he's like". "A wise and powerful god who's word is law" I said to her, "Must be like my god, he is just and fair, wise and powerful" Emma said. "He too is just and fair so yes, he shares the same similarities" I replied, "What time do we go to this meeting?" Emma asked, "I believe when it is somewhat early morning why?" I asked.

"I wanted to bathe, but I'll wait till later" She said to me, "Alright" I said to her. It was then that we arose Ryia and Pay'tn before heading for Perfius' palace where we met up with Perfius himself within the council chamber. Perfius himself was there before us, waiting for us. "Ah Kavin, it is good to see you my son" Perfius said as the 4 of use bowed. "It is an honor to see you again my lord" I said to him as he turned to look at Emma. "You are the human who came to our planet?" He asked Emma. "I am my lord" Emma said to him, "My leader should be here soon to meet with you as well my lord". He smiled at this, "But I must warn his highness that the president is well protected and he doesn't wish any confrontations, however he is very cautious as well." She said to him. "I can respect his terms so long as he is one who can respect mine." He said to her, "My lord you will not be disappointed" Emma said, assuring our creator.

Within a half-hour, the council room had filled up, Obsidian, Fire, Metal and crystal dragons were there. I stood with Perfius and contained my excitement as I looked around and found my parents. I waved to them and they waved back and with the arrival of the President, we had begun the meeting. "Now many of you wonder as to why I have called a meeting before it's desired time. It is due to the fact that the prophecy many of you welcome and fear is now upon us. Here I have Kavin, Prince of the Crystal Dragons who had witnessed the arrival of humans from Earth and he wishes to share his story." Perfius said to the council before letting me have the floor.

"2 Nights ago, I along with my companions Ryia and Pay'tn were on a nightly outing when we noticed a large fireball coming from the sky. We believed it to be fire dragons, however it produced a sound of thunder without lightning and crash landed. Upon closer observation, we had found a charred human body and a craft which lay abandoned. Now we knew that humans had come, but we didn't know why. This changed when we had found Emma Parsons, the second crew member aboard that craft and who told us that Earth was now dying due to the harmful effects of pollution over the centuries and therefore will be left uninhabitable in the next 100 years. If they can't find another home, they will surely die." I said. "Well what's keeping them, they should already be dead!" I heard coming from Oblisko.

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