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"I love you both," Angelina smiled. "Write us as soon as you have the chance!" Tears appeared in her eyes. "Oh, I'm just so proud!" She gripped her husband's shoulder. "George? Aren't you proud too?"

George smiled. "Of course. Don't blow up any toilets," he joked.

"Did you and Uncle Fred ever do that?"

"We tried, Red." Red was little Frederick's nickname. It was an easy one- his parents had taken one look at his shock of red hair and automatically started calling him that. "We sure tried," George laughed. It was a sad laugh, like an old man reminiscing on times past that he could never relive.

"If I blow up a toilet, will you get mad at me?" asked Red. "You wouldn't send a Howler, would you?"

"Yes, we would be mad," Angelina said at the exact same time that George said "Of course not, it would be a great accomplishment!"

"So which one of you are we supposed to listen to?" asked the girl. "No offense, Mum, but I like Dad's discipline a bit better. Don't you, Red?"

"Duh," he laughed. "We better go. I think I see Teddy!"

"He'd be hard to miss," Angeline laughed. "His blue hair stands out in a crowd even more than you guys' red!"

"Have fun!" George waved as they watched their twins walk on the train. Red's face appeared in a window off to the right, waving at his parents. They grinned.

"We love you!" Angelina cried, blowing kisses at the train window as it chugged away, pouring up a load of smoke. "Oh, they'll be all right, won't they?" she said.

"It's not the same as it was in our day, with battles every year. It's safe now," said George. "The battle where Fred- it won't happen again. They won't be separated, I will do everything in my power to not let that happen. Okay?"

"I will too," said Angelina. "Shall we?"

They walked out of the train station together, hand in hand. No one had noticed the small raven-haired boy who had swung into the train right as it began to move. And no one was in the shadows, hiding, noticing the tear slipping down the tall, redheaded man's face. The only one who ever would have noticed was in a scarlet train, speeding to his future.

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