chapter 1?

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Authors note: I hoped you all liked my first chapter. Well here's the next one.

Louis's POV:

We have been waiting on the tour bus for Zayn to come back with more food for 45 minutes. Niall had to just eat all of our other food so now we are all hungry and I'm starting to worry it shouldn't take that long to get food. Harry came running into the room.

"Turn on channel 11!"

"Okay but why?" I asked.

"Just do it and hurry!" Harry said in a panicked tone.

News Reporter: "Breaking News. A British boy band member Zayn Malik crashed his car. The other driver was not injured but Zayn Malik was brought to the local hospital after his car set on fire. But this young girl who saw the accident is now known as a hero . She pulled him out of the car burning."

I freaked out inside as I saw a picture of my old friend, Julia, pulling Zayn out of his burning car.

We sprinted to the car in a hurry to find out if Zayn was okay. The short car ride seemed to take forever. We ran to the front desk to ask the receptionist what room Zayn was in.

"Mr. Malik is in room 225." The lady said. We didn't wait to hear is she had anything else to say we just rushed to find his room.

The four of us stopped in front of his room and I opened the door to an all to familiar girl sitting next to Zayn's bed.

"Julia?" I blurted out.

Julia's POV:


I thought we had gotten away from him, I thought that I was done dealing with him. How did he find us? It doesn't make sense. Why did he have to come back? I was sitting at a park on a swing. I had just run away from my house. My dad came back he found my mom and I, my mom was at work and it was only me when my dad came bursting into our house. He started yelling up a storm about how we left him and were terrible people. My dad came at me and started hitting me, this was just like before, just like it was before we left. He went away to grab something and I was able to hit him in the head with a bottle and ran.

I had run for a really long time and decided to stop at a park. There was people there, kids and there parents I knew that if he came looking for me he wouldn't do anything out in the open like this. I sat down on the swings and broke down, I was crying because I was scared, worried and hurt. Hurt mentally and physically. I couldn't deal with this anymore it was too much. I grabbed my phone and told my mom not to go home to just stay at work because he was there. I knew I looked like a mess, since I had just been beaten. I probably had bruises and maybe even cuts all over me. I hated this.

"Are you okay?" A boys voice asked from beside me. I jumped up and turned to see a boy about my age with kind of long hair and stunning eyes. "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."


"You can tell me, I won't hurt you." I couldn't understand why this boy I have never met was being so nice to me. I broke down again and just sat with my knees against my chest. This life was too much to deal with at this moment. "Hey don't cry it's going to be okay I promise. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Not really." I said slowly between sobs.

"Okay well i'll just sit here and wait until you're better. By the way my name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Julia."

"A last name?"

"Yes but just Julia to you for now."


Zayn said ''Are you ok''

I finally snapped out of my flash back and realized that I had tears in my eyes I quickly blinked them away.

I looked up to see my old friend Louis staring at me in shock. He held out his arms for me to hug him. I stood up or should say attempted to stand up when a sharp pain shot through my left ankle and I let out a small scream. I started to fall to the ground but two strong arms caught me I looked up to see Louis holding me up. Louis said "Julia what's wrong with your foot?"

Julia said " Nothing"

Louis "Julia look at me, don't lie to me"

I looked into his eye's and said "I twisted it and fell when Zayn's car exploded into flames"

Zayn said "my car did what?" in a shocked voice

Louis: " you can get a new car, now I'm going to go get a nurse so that she can look at Julia's ankle"

Louis helped me back into my chair and left to go get a nurse. While he was gone the rest of the boys sat down. I sat their silently as Zayn whined about his car to Harry. then Niall spoke up, "thank you for saving Zayn"

Julia "Your welcome"

I started to see black spots in my vision and I tried to blink them away but my eye's just started to tear up.

Harry: "Julia are you ok?"

Julia: "uh.. Harry you need to get a doctor in here now"

Harry: "why?"

Julia: "because I'm about to pass out". The last thing I remembered when I fell off my chair before I passed out was that Harry caught me.

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