The begining

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Alright I will say it loud right now I don't own Inuyasha. This is the first and last time I will put it up, also this is a Sesshomaru and Kagome pairing if you don't like this pairing read no further.

Now onto the story!


 A young five year old Kagome kissed her mother and father good bye. Her father kissed her on the forehead and told her that soon she would be a big sister. She gave a warm smile as she waved them off down the road. Her grandfather laughed as she seemed to bounce up the stone stairs. He called after her to be more careful,

“Careful Kagome you’ll trip.” Her grandfather called to her just as she stumbled. It was too late and she tripped up the steps.

He could see a big red mark marred her forehead as she turned around on the step to look at him. He could see her blue eyes go watery, right before she cried out in pain. He chuckled at the youth and how abundant their energy was. He picked up his tiny granddaughter cooed to her that it would be all right. He sighed when they reached the top of the stairs. When he entered the door he put Kagome down on the small sofa, so he could go get a cold pack to put on her forehead. 

After she had recovered from her fall up the steps. Her grandfather had told her all about the wonders of feudal Japan. Where the land was ruled by Yokai and how the Priest’s and Monks battled them. By the end of his story the light of day gave way to the night. Kagome looked out the window sighing that she had missed out on such a great day. When her grandmother called out for them to come eat.

After dinner Kagome tried to get out of going to bed, so her grandpa gave her a chance. In a friendly game of hide and seek playing along to this her Grandma agreed but only by another twenty minutes if she won. Her grandpa smiled to himself as he heard a loud audible yawn from her hiding spot. Sneaking up on her, her grandfather had snuck up from behind started to tickle her. She started to giggle until she gave up the fight to go to bed.

 She brushed her teeth and put on her nightgown. She stood on her bed to show her grandpa just how grown up she was. At being able to get ready all on her own without any help at all, other than the stool so she could reach the sink.  Soon enough she was tucked in and waiting for a bed time story. But unlike every other person in the world he didn't ready from a storybook. No he instead told her stories about different yokai and what they were good for. 

She had been soundly asleep when something woke her from a dream about dancing cupcakes. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the darkened room. Sleepily she got out of bed and came back from the bathroom and lay back down. But the moment her head hit the pillow she was wide awake. She rolled around trying to find a comfy spot but to no avail. She punched her pillow once before giving up on sleep. 

She crept down the stairs and outside, where she stood under the giant tree. That seemed to make everything calm. But tonight the wind blew softly it didn't calm her at all. Some thing was off and she didn't know what it could be, restlessly she went back to the house only to turn around. And walk over to the old well house.

Silently she opened the door to the building, which glided like brand new. A sudden chill crept up her back as she slowly went inside. As sudden as the restless feeling went it suddenly intensified, as tears pricked at her eyes. She cried out in pain as hands grabbed her up into the air. But it was too high for it to be her grandpa; she struggled as ten vary sharp nails dug into her sides. A blue light surrounds them as she is dragged through the well. The being holding her turn her around screaming.

"You have it give it to me now!" she yells twice in a hysterical manner. Kagome looked up at Mistress Centipede with fearful big blue eyes. 

"Let. Me. Go!" she cried when a light came from her palm. It felt like a thousand bee stings as the yokai fell away from her. Kagome looked down at her arm and seen it had changed. Where flawless skin once covered it was now shredded as a thick claw like appendage was in its place. A silent scream escaped Kagome's mouth just before she fainted.

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