Thunder, Lighting and a Bag of Tricks

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Kagome woke to a burst of thunder that seem to split the sky open. As lighting streaked the sky in a disjointed pattern. Kagome held her hands to her face as she tried to calm down from the nightmare. She looked around more closely at where she was bones were scattered across an open field of mud. Tears sprung to her eyes as she looked on at the sight. She wanted to go back to the only family she ever knew. Where it was warm safe and no one was trying to kill her every time she turned around.

But that wasn't going to happen if she fell apart now. She felt her fighting spirit come back to a slow burn, till her stomach growled. She laughed to herself as she stood up. A sudden force pushed her back on her bottom; she looked down to see a small fluffy tail. It wiggled for a moment when it popped it's head up. Water green eyes looked up to her blue ones.

"Please help me." the boy cried as he held on to her shirt tightly. 

"I don't know what I could do but I will try my best." she said a little uncertain at her words. She figured if she lived through helping him she might figure out where she might get some food.

As she followed the young kitsune she felt bad for not saying that she would not be of much help. But that thought was soon pushed from her mind as the thunder and lightning got worst. The sound echoed loudly over the land causing Kagome to flinch in pain at the sound. Shippo also covered his ears as he kept moving towards his father. He was ready to burst into tears as he continued on. Kagome tried to keep up but failed as she fell behind slipping on the muddy ground.

She cut her knee on a rock that was covered in mud. She hiss out the pain she felt and got back up. She limped as fast as she could; it just wasn't fast enough to keep up with the young demon fox boy. The rain also made it hard to see where he was going. She tried to call out for him but he never told her his name. Silently she cursed under her breath for being so weak, she couldn't even keep up. A sudden pain hit her as she fell to the ground.

Kagome woke to the sound of voices going back and forth. She caught their names, Hiten and Manten she could tell Hiten called the shots. She quickly closed her eyes as she heard someone coming.

"We will deal with that little fox brat soon brother. And he will pay for what he did to your beautiful hair." the one name Hiten said before entering the room.


Shippo made it just before the ugly yokai left. In his hands he held his father’s pelt in his hands. Shippo had tears in his eyes as he unleashed his Dopplegänger attack first. Which he followed up with his firebomb attack that made Manten cover his eyes. A few of his clones went and bite him keeping his attention elsewhere. As he took the chance to attack the stronger yokai from behind. He unleashed his giant spinning top that smashed him in to the muddy ground. 

Manten growled out angrily as he got free of the spinning top. He and the pelt had gotten all muddy. But that didn't drive him into an angry spiral. That resulted in him shooting blue orbs of energy out of his mouth. As they rained down on the clones Shippo made, each on made a pop before it vanished. Scared Shippo found a place to hide as the bald demon continued to attack everything. Shippo had managed to find a place to conceal himself before the other brother arrived. The better looking of the two dropped the item he carried to go and calm his brother.

Hiten punched his brother on the top of his nose causing Manten to cry. He rubbed the spot his brother hit. He looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"That was mean big brother." he said woefully.

Hiten smirked. "Well it calmed you down before you got your self-killed didn't it." he said with light laughter. Manten looked up at him doubtful. 

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